Dört taraflı planlama makineleri WEINIG Unimat 23

ahşap çalışma makineleri / planlama makineleri / Dört taraflı planlama makineleri

Gebr. Engelfried oHG
[ bayi profili ]

Bay Florian Engelfried
73432 Aalen

  • 07361-986... Telefon

verified user

RESALE üye beri 2014

  • makine listesi (192)
madde-No: 165570940 miktar: 1 tarih: 14.11.2024
Üretim yılı: 1994 yer: Deutschland
fiyat: 12,500 EUR
Üretici: WEINIG
model: Unimat 23
Makine türü: Dört taraflı planlama makineleri
tarif: Dört taraflı planlama makineleri WEINIG Unimat 23

kullanılmış makine

Number of spindles: 7 St.
Working width: 230 mm
Working height: 160 mm
Length of the planing table: 2500 mm
Feed motor: 5,5 kW
Feed speed: 6-36 m/min.
# 6912 Weinig Unimat 23
Machine for sale on behalf of a customer, can be viewed while still in use!

Technical data summary
(please enquire about any additional accessories included)

Wor king width: 230 mm
Working height: 160 mm
Number of spindles: 7 pcs.
Surface table length: 2500 mm
Feed motor: 5.5 kW
Feed speed: 6-36 m/min

Spindle arrangement
Spindle 1: bottom
Spindle 2: right
Spindle 3: left
Spindle 4: right
Spindle 5: top
Spindle 6: bottom
Spindle 7: universal spindle
top, bottom, left swivels up to 90 degrees, right swivels negatively up to 55

Spindle description
Spindle 1: 7.5 kW, 6000 rpm, 40 mm diameter
Spindle 2: 7.5 kW, 8000 rpm, 40 mm diameter
Spindle 3: 7.5 kW, 8000 rpm, G41112123 40 mm diameter
Spindle 4: 7.5 kW, 8000 rpm, 40 mm diameter
Spindle 5: 7.5 kW, 8000 rpm, 40 mm diameter
Spindle 6: 7.5 kW, 8000 rpm, 40 mm diameter
Spindle 7: 7.5 kW, 6000 rpm, 40 mm diameter

Machine without machining tools.

(technical information according to the manufacturer - no guarantee!

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1305-6912
Stoktaki makine: evet
Seller-item-No.: 1305-6912
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