Eksantrik pres - tek sütun WEINGARTEN NR 80

metal çalışma makineleri / presler

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Maschinen Schwartpaul GmbH
[ bayi profili ]

Bay Alessandro Vinci
58840 Plettenberg-Siesel

  • 02391 959... Telefon

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RESALE üye beri 2011

  • makine listesi (128)
madde-No: 161477860 miktar: 1 tarih: 13.11.2024
Üretim yılı: 1978 yer: Land-de Almanya Lager Plettenberg-Siesel
model: NR 80
Makine türü: Eksantrik pres - tek sütun
tarif: Eksantrik pres - tek sütun WEINGARTEN NR 80

kullanılmış makine

pressure: 80 t
throat: 280 mm
stroke: 8-112 mm
no. of strokes: 55 / 82 Hub/min
ram - range of adjustment: 80 mm
table surface area: 800x570 mm
ram surface: 560x355 mm
hole in the table: Ø 280 mm
table height: 800 mm
tool hole in ram: Ø 50 mm
total power requirement: 7,5 kW
weight of the machine ca.: 6 t
dimensions of the machine ca.: BxTxH M41134273 1600x2200x3000 mm

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 2020-15269
Stoktaki makine: evet
Seller-item-No.: 2020-15269
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