CO2 Lazer Kesim Makinesi TRUMPF TruLaser Cell 7040

metal çalışma makineleri / sac levha çalışması

Üretici: TRUMPF

model:TruLaser Cell 7040

Makine türü: CO2 Lazer Kesim Makinesi

madde-No: 166541968

miktar: 1

tarih: 26.03.2025

Üretim yılı: 2015

yer: Land-HU Macaristan



This TRUMPF TruLaser Cell 7040 was manufactured in 2015. It features a large working range with dimensions of 4000x2000 mm and a Z-axis height of 750 mm. Equipped with a powerful TruFlow 4000 Watt CO2 laser, it excels in both thin and thick material cutting. Additional features include CNC automatic scanning, height detection, and a G5349640 Siemens 840D control system. Consider the opportunity to buy this TRUMPF TruLaser Cell 7040 CO2 laser cutting machine. Contact us for more information.
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This TRUMPF TruLaser Cell 7040 was manufactured in 2015. It features a large working range with dimensions of 4000x2000 mm and a Z-axis height of 750 mm. Equipped with a powerful TruFlow 4000 Watt CO2 laser, it excels in both thin and thick material cutting. Additional features include CNC automatic scanning, height detection, and a G5349640 Siemens 840D control system. G5349640 Consider the opportunity to buy this TRUMPF TruLaser Cell 7040 CO2 laser cutting machine. Contact us for more information.
seller offer No. resale HU-CUT-TRU-2015-00001
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