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basınç: 80 t tabla uzunluğu: 1.200 mm tabla genişliği: 1.000 mm : 250 mm : 1.200 mm tabla yükü: 7.000 kg sütunlar arası mesafe: 1.100 mm voltaj: 400 V makinenin ağırlığı ca.: 11,0 t makinenin boyutları ca.: 4,40 x 2,58 x 3,66 m - Fabr.No.: --- ...
Çok güzel durum Ryobi 784E Ryobimatic Nemli PCS-F konsolu 32 milyon imps Yarı Otomatik Plaka tüm Yıkayıcılar Düz makine Akış besleyici 600mm x 788m Almanya'da Üretim ...
İşleme için tek taraflı kenar bantlama makinesi düz iş parçası kenarları ve bantlama için ve çeşitli kenar malzemelerinin sonradan işlenmesi boyuna ve enine geçişte. Yarıçaptan paha otomatik dönüşüm ve farklı kenar ve iş parçası kalınlıkları. Kontrol Gücü Kontrolü PC 22 ÜNITE MONTAJINA GENEL BAKIŞ: – KALIP BOYA PÜSKÜRTME ÜNITESI – FREZE ÜNITESININ BIRLEŞTIRILMESI – YAPIŞTIRMA PARÇASI A20'YI 2 RULO ILE Uygulama ünitesi PU 65 (PU yapıştırma için Teflon kaplı) – ÇAPRAZ KESIM ÜNITESI HL84 – ÖN FREZELEME ÜNITESI – FK11 ŞEKIL FREZE ÜNITESI – BOŞ ALAN UNI FREZE ÜNITESI UF10 – PROFIL SIYIRICI PN10 – TERBİYE ...
This HOMAG KAL 330/9/A6/L edgebander was manufactured in 2011. It features a robust machine stand, electronic height adjustment, and a transport chain with a rubber pad. The machine includes a Quickmelt application unit with electronic temperature control and a pressure zone with pneumatic adjustment. Ideal for processing straight workpiece edges, it supports various edge materials. For more information about this edgebander, please reach out to us.
Manufacturer: Homag PU und EVA, Type: KAL 310 310/6/A3/S2, Year: 2008, Control: NC 22, Software: Homag, Min-max edge material mm: 0,5-3,0, Work piece width min-max mm: 65, Min.-max. workpiece length in mm: 250, Min.-max. workpiece height in mm: 12-60, Min-max feed m/min: 10-25, Premilling: yes, Fine milling: yes, Application of separation agent: yes, IR zone: yes, Coil magazine: 2-fach, Mitre stations: HL 81, Bevel milling: yes, Corner tracing type: FF 12, 4 motors: Ja, Radius scraper: yes, Type of scraper: PN 10, Flat scraper: FA 11, 4 motors: Ja, Ersatzverleimteil : PU, Bonding part EVA: EVA, Buffing unit: yes, Separation agent setup: yes, Year :2008
Manufacturer: Homag, Type: KAL 310, Year: 2004, Control: NC 21, Software: Homag, Min-max edge material mm: 0,5-3, Min.-max. workpiece length in mm: 150-3000, Min.-max. workpiece height in mm: 10-55, Min-max feed m/min: 24, Axis control: yes, Premilling: yes, Fine milling: yes, Application of separation agent: yes, IR zone: yes, Power per lamp: 400 Watt, Coil magazine: einfach, Strip magazin: yes, Min.-max. batten magazine mm: yes, Mitre stations: yes, Bevel milling: yes, Radius milling axis adjustment: lyes, Corner tracing type: FK 11, 2 motors: 2, Radius scraper: yes , Scraper with axis adjustment: yes, Flat scraper: yes, Spraying system 2: yes, Cleaning nozzles: yes, Bonding part EVA: yes, ...
Manufacturer: Homag, Type: KAL 310/7/A20/S3 , Year: 2011, Control: PC 22, Software: Windows XP/Woodscout, Barcode: möglich, Min-max edge material mm: 0,3-3,0, Work piece width min-max mm: 12-60, Min.-max. workpiece height in mm: 12-60, Min-max feed m/min: 18, Axis control: einlauflineal, Infeed table: Servo, Servo Einschubtisch: yes, mit Vakuum: 2 X 3 kw, Profile milling: yes, Machining cracks: yes, Power per lamp: 2-fach, Laser technology: yes, kW Leistung Laser: yes, Coil magazine: HL 84, Strip magazin: 2 X 1,5, Bevel milling: FK 8-fach Wechsler, radius milling: FK 13/Achsverstellung, Vertical grooves: Multiziehklinge MN 21 3 Profile, Grooves, slewable-controlled: PN 10, Nuten : yes, Radi ...
Manufacturer: Homag , Type: KAL 310/7/A3/S2, Year: 2004, Control: NC21, Min-max edge material mm: 0,5-3,0, Work piece width min-max mm: 55/100, Min.-max. workpiece height in mm: 12 - 60, Edgeband height max mm: 60, Min-max feed m/min: 10-30, Axis control: Verleimteil/Druckzone/Formfräsen, Servo Einschubtisch: yes, mit Vakuum: 2x 3Kw, Profile milling: yes, Machining cracks: yes, Power per lamp: 2 Rollen, Coil magazine: HL 84, Strip magazin: 2 X0,55 kW, Min.-max. batten magazine mm: 2 X 0,4 kW, Mitre stations: yes, Bevel milling: FK 11/Verstellung automatisch, radius milling: 0,55 kW, Vertical grooves: PN 20, Radius scraper: yes, Rolling chain: yes, Spraying system 2: yes, Ersatzverleimteil : ...
Üretici: Homag , Tip: KAL 310/8/A20/S2, Yıl: 2005, Kontrol: PC 22, İş parçası genişliği min-maks mm: min 55/100, Min.-maks. mm cinsinden iş parçası yüksekliği: 12 - 60, Min-maks ilerleme m/dak: 18 - 24, Einlauflineal gesteuert: evet, Ön frezeleme: 2 x 3kW, Ayırma maddesi uygulaması: evet, Bobin magazini: 2, Gönye istasyonları: Fase / Gerade, Ön frezeleme: 2 x 1,5 kW, Konik frezeleme: FK 13 - 8Fach, yarıçaplı frezeleme: 4 kW, Köşe izleme tipi: MN 21, Düz sıyırıcı: FA 11, Yapıştırma parçası EVA: A 20, Üst basınç kayışı/silindiri: Bant, İş parçası yeniden besleme: vorinstalliert, SERBEST METİN: Frreiplatz, Yıl :2005
- RELEASE AGENT SPRAYING UNIT - JOINTING UNIT - GLUING UNIT A20 WITH 2 ROLLERS - SNIPPING UNIT HL84 - ROUTING UNIT - MOULDING UNIT FK13 AUTOMATIC - PROFILE SCRAPER PN10 - PROFILE SCRAPER PN10 - FINISHING UNIT AUTOMATION PACKAGE AMBITION - Automatic adjustment of infeed guide - Automatic adjustment of pressure zone - Pneumatic adjustment Pre-milling unit for flush or overhang trimming - MN21 automatic multidrawing blade instead of 2xPN10, for automatic retooling to different radii or for bevelling radii or for bevelling - Electronic height adjustment WORKPIECE SUPPORT SHEAR EXECUTION SLIDING SLIDES For inserting workpieces at right angles SERVO EDGE FEED FOR A1 - A20 R ...