Dört taraflı planlama makineleri SCM Superset NT PLUS Comp. 31

ahşap çalışma makineleri / planlama makineleri / Dört taraflı planlama makineleri

Üretici: SCM

model:Superset NT PLUS Comp. 31

Makine türü: Dört taraflı planlama makineleri

madde-No: 164240337

miktar: 1

tarih: 11.03.2025

Üretim yılı:

yer: Oberkochen


Stoktaki makine:evet


Number of spindles: 6 St.
Working width: 240 mm
Working height: 200 mm
Length of the planing table: 2500 mm
Feed motor: 4 kW
Feed speed: 6-36 m/min.
SCM Superset PLUS Comp. 31 for window production

Technical data:
Working width: max. 240 mm
Working height: max. 200 mm
Feed: 6 to 36 m/min

1. Spindle
First lower spindle horizontal
Motor with brake 11 KW
Diameter: 40 mm
Speed 6,000 rpm

2. Tool holder HSK
First right tool holder vertical
Motor with brake 7.5 KW
Speed 8,300 rpm
Vertical and horizontal electronic positioning

3. Tool holder HSK
First left tool holder, vertical
Motor with brake 7.5 KW
Speed 8,300 rpm
Vertical and horizontal electronic positioning
Electronic adjustment of the tool diameter (setup)

4th spindle
First upper spindle, horizontal
Motor with brake 11 KW
Speed 8,300 rpm
Vertical and horizontal electronic positioning
Fast tool clamping T-SET
Electronic adjustment of the tool diameter (setup)

5th spindle
Second upper spindle, horizontal
Motor with brake 7.5 KW
Speed 8,300 rpm
Vertical and horizontal electronic positioning
Fast tool clamping T-SET
Electronic adjustment of the tool diameter (setup)

6th spindle
Second lower spindle, horizontal
Motor with brake 7.5 KW
Speed 8,300 rpm
Vertical and horizontal electronic positioning
Fast tool clamping T-SET

Other technical features:
2 feed units after the upper spindles for shortening the
axis distance from 620 mm to 450 mm

Air cushion lubrication in the work table

Flange feed rollers before and after the left vertical spindle with electronic

(CNC) telescopic G5312123 adjustment

2 x milling unit with belt drive with quick-change system HSK 85
in position 2 – 3

Working height 200 mm instead of 120 mm

5 x electronic horizontal positioning position ( 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6) +
(31.14.05 tandem feed after position 2)

4 x electronic vertical positioning position ( 2 – 3 – 5 – 6)

3 x electronic adjustment of the tool diameter (setup)

position (3 – 4 –5)

Control Mobile 10

PRL equipment for removing the glass strip on the 2nd upper horizontal spindle

Machine without processing tools

SCM RP-S NT transport system for returning the workpiece to the operator, see

Pictures under stock number 6793

(technical data according to the manufacturer - no guarantee!)

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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Number of spindles: 6 St.
Working width: 240 mm
Working height: 200 mm
Length of the planing table: 2500 mm
Feed motor: 4 kW
Feed speed: 6-36 m/min.
SCM Superset PLUS Comp. 31 for window production

Technical data:
Working width: max. 240 mm
Working height: max. 200 mm
Feed: 6 to 36 m/min

1. Spindle
First lower spindle horizontal
Motor with brake 11 KW
Diameter: 40 mm
Speed 6,000 rpm

2. Tool holder HSK
First right tool holder vertical
Motor with brake 7.5 KW
Speed 8,300 rpm
Vertical and horizontal electronic positioning

3. Tool holder HSK
First left tool holder, vertical
Motor with brake 7.5 KW
Speed 8,300 rpm
Vertical and horizontal electronic positioning
Electronic adjustment of the tool diameter (setup)

4th spindle
First upper spindle, horizontal
Motor with brake 11 KW
Speed 8,300 rpm
Vertical and horizontal electronic positioning
Fast tool clamping T-SET
Electronic adjustment of the tool diameter (setup)

5th spindle
Second upper spindle, horizontal
Motor with brake 7.5 KW
Speed 8,300 rpm
Vertical and horizontal electronic positioning
Fast tool clamping T-SET
Electronic adjustment of the tool diameter (setup)

6th spindle
Second lower spindle, horizontal
Motor with brake 7.5 KW
Speed 8,300 rpm
Vertical and horizontal electronic positioning
Fast tool clamping T-SET

Other technical features:
2 feed units after the upper spindles for shortening the
axis distance from 620 mm to 450 mm

Air cushion lubrication in the work table

Flange feed rollers before and after the left vertical spindle with electronic

(CNC) telescopic G5312123 adjustment

2 x G5312123 milling unit with belt drive with quick-change system HSK 85
in position 2 – 3

Working height 200 mm instead of 120 mm

5 x electronic horizontal positioning position ( 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6) +
(31.14.05 tandem feed after position 2)

4 x electronic vertical positioning position ( 2 – 3 – 5 – 6)

3 x electronic adjustment of the tool diameter (setup)

position (3 – 4 –5)

Control Mobile 10

PRL equipment for removing the glass strip on the 2nd upper horizontal spindle

Machine without processing tools

SCM RP-S NT transport system for returning the workpiece to the operator, see

Pictures under stock number 6793

(technical data according to the manufacturer - no guarantee!)

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1305-2735
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Gebr. Engelfried oHG

Bay Florian Engelfried
73432 Aalen

RESALE üye beri 2014

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