Diskleri taşlama REISHAUER Abrichtscheibe Modul 2-6

metal çalışma makineleri / taşlama makineleri / Diskleri taşlama

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Emuk GmbH Werkzeugmaschinen
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Bay Karlheinz Jung
76316 Malsch

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RESALE üye beri 2010

  • makine listesi (274)
madde-No: 164804788 miktar: 1 tarih: 09.11.2024
Üretim yılı: yer: Malsch
model: Abrichtscheibe Modul 2-6
Makine türü: Diskleri taşlama
tarif: Diskleri taşlama REISHAUER Abrichtscheibe Modul 2-6

kullanılmış makine

quantity: 2 STK
Diamant Abrichtscheibe Modul 2-6 - EW 20° - HBR=2500 - ID-Nr. 69695_1

The classic” process for dressing grinding wheels
grinding wheels in all areas of mass production
the workpiece geometry-based profile roller. The
short dressing times due to radial plunging of the grinding wheel
grinding wheel into the dressing roll help to achieve
fast and reproducible workpiece dressing.
reproducible workpiece application. All conventional abrasives and, in special
hard abrasives in special applications.
For filigree workpiece geometries or materials that are difficult to cut
materials that are difficult to cut, continuous
CD dressing (continuous dressing) is often used.
- Thread
- Turbine blades
- E41132339 Bearing seats
- Bearing raceways
- valves
- nozzle needles
- shear blades
- gear wheels
- Twist-free surfaces

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seller offer No. resale 1058-24397
Stoktaki makine: evet
Seller-item-No.: 1058-24397
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