gıda makineleri / meyve sebze şarküteri hazır yemek makineleri

Üretici: RECORD


madde-No: 166038577

miktar: 1

tarih: 11.03.2025

Üretim yılı:

yer: Land-de Almanya willich


Horizontal tubular bag machine, make Jaguar Record in use for bars, This horizontal form, fill and seal machine can pack one or more products in a film bag., The machine runs at a maximum cycle rate of approx. 36 bags/min., The following formats (bag widths) are already available:, 35 mm width (single bar) & 145 mm width (several bars in one film)., The length of the bag can be adjusted variably., F5350968 The heat-sealing film is sealed using heating jaws., The MHD print can be set manually and moved across the entire width of the film., Lt. current owner in working condition.
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Horizontal tubular bag machine, make Jaguar Record in use for bars, This horizontal form, fill and seal machine can pack one or more products in a film bag., The machine runs at a maximum cycle rate of approx. 36 bags/min., The following formats (bag widths) are already available:, 35 mm width (single bar) & 145 mm width (several bars in one film)., The length of the bag can be adjusted variably., F5350968 The heat-sealing film F5350968 is sealed using heating jaws., The MHD print can be set manually and moved across the entire width of the film., Lt. current owner in working condition.
seller offer No. resale 166038577
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Bayan Petra Gerhardt
47877 Willich

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