Damgalama Makinesi RAVNE PRESSES Manzoni 160

metal çalışma makineleri / presler


model:Manzoni 160

Makine türü: Damgalama Makinesi

madde-No: 166541937

miktar: 1

tarih: 28.03.2025

Üretim yılı: 1992

yer: Land-SI Slovenya



This stamping machine was manufactured in 1992. It features a robust Eccentric H-frame, monoblock design with a press force of 1600 kN and a fixed stroke of 160 mm. The machine includes a magnetic conveyor for scraps, a quick die cart system, and a millutensil oiling system. Ideal for high-quality G5349640 stamping capabilities, consider the RAVNE PRESSES Manzoni 160 machine we have for sale. Contact us for more information about this machine.
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This stamping machine was manufactured in 1992. It features a robust Eccentric H-frame, monoblock design with a press force of 1600 kN and a fixed stroke of 160 mm. The machine includes a magnetic conveyor for scraps, a quick die cart system, and a millutensil oiling system. Ideal for high-quality G5349640 stamping capabilities, consider the G5349640 RAVNE PRESSES Manzoni 160 machine we have for sale. Contact us for more information about this machine.
seller offer No. resale SI-STA-RAV-1992-00002
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daha RAVNE PRESSES Manzoni 160 + similar RAVNE PRESSES-model

1992 RAVNE PRESSESManzoni 315