Gas Turbine OPRA OP16-3B

güç jeneratörleri motor türbinleri kazanlar / motor

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Innovac GmbH
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RESALE üye beri 2007

  • makine listesi (1999)
madde-No: 165425476 miktar: 1 tarih: 26.10.2024
Üretim yılı: 2012 yer: Land-de Almanya Deutschland
Üretici: OPRA
model: OP16-3B
Makine türü: Gas Turbine
tarif: Gas Turbine OPRA OP16-3B

kullanılmış makine

A complete system consisting of generator, turbine, gearbox, housing, exhaust gas duct and stack is available. 1) Gas turbine: Nominal output at ISO conditions: 1850kWe, fuel: natural gas, calorific value (LHV): 38.8MJ/kg, mass flow rate: 8.7kg/s, max. exhaust gas temperature: 571°C, max. exhaust gas flow: 221kg/s, turbine speed: 26000rpm, operating hours: approx. 20000h. 2) Generator: Type: Synchronous generator LSA 53 VL80/4p, rated power: 2316kVA/10.5kV, 127A, speed: 1500rpm. 3) Gearbox: Type: I4112259 2-stage planetary system GB24-1500, transmission ratio: 6.7:1, weight: approx. 350kg. Total system operating hours: 81269h. Documentation available. On-site inspection is possible.
seller offer No. resale INNO28001
Stoktaki makine: Hayır
Seller-item-No.: INNO28001
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