Cnc tornalama makineleri MAZAK Integrex 30

metal çalışma makineleri / torna / Cnc tornalama makineleri

Üretici: MAZAK

model:Integrex 30

Makine türü: Cnc tornalama makineleri

madde-No: 162580558

miktar: 1

tarih: 10.10.2023

Üretim yılı: 1997

yer: Land-de Almanya 38820 Halberstadt


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Ref. -No.: 10364
Manufacturer: MAZAK
Year of construction: 1997
Type of control: CNC
Storage location: Halberstadt
Country of origin: Japan
Machine length: 6365 mm
Machine width: 3180 mm
Machine Height: 2800 mm
Weight Of The Machine Ca.: 7 t
Bar passage: 64 mm
Max rotation diameter: 510 mm
Turning Diameter: 400 mm
Turning Length: 1539 mm
Spindle power: 22-26 kW
Spindle Speed Min.: 35 RPM
Spindle Speed Max.: 3500 RPM
Rapid Travel Speed X-Axis: 12 m / min
Rapid Travel Speed Y-Axis: 10 m / min
Rapid Travel Speed Z-Axis: 18 m / min
Motor power milling spindle: 7,5 kW
Max. speed milling head: 15-6000 S5351413 RPM
X-axis travel: 450 mm
Y-axis travel: +/- 90 mm
Z-axis travel: 1539 mm
Number of tools in the chain magazine: 40 (15 + 25) POS

Further information:
The main spindle was replaced with a new one in Oktober 2019. In the course of this, small spare parts were renewed or reworked.
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Ref. -No.: 10364
Manufacturer: MAZAK
Year of construction: 1997
Type of control: CNC
Storage location: Halberstadt
Country of origin: Japan
Machine length: 6365 mm
Machine width: 3180 mm
Machine Height: 2800 mm
Weight Of The Machine Ca.: 7 t
Bar passage: 64 mm
Max rotation diameter: 510 mm
Turning Diameter: 400 mm
Turning Length: 1539 mm
Spindle power: 22-26 kW
Spindle Speed Min.: 35 RPM
Spindle Speed Max.: 3500 RPM
Rapid Travel Speed X-Axis: 12 m / min
Rapid Travel Speed Y-Axis: 10 m / min
Rapid Travel Speed Z-Axis: 18 m / min
Motor power milling spindle: 7,5 kW
Max. speed milling head: 15-6000 S5351413 RPM
X-axis S5351413 travel: 450 mm
Y-axis travel: +/- 90 mm
Z-axis travel: 1539 mm
Number of tools in the chain magazine: 40 (15 + 25) POS

Further information:
The main spindle was replaced with a new one in Oktober 2019. In the course of this, small spare parts were renewed or reworked.
seller offer No. resale 10364
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