Masa torna tezgahı HBM 250 x 550 Profi Vario

metal çalışma makineleri / torna

Üretici: HBM

model:250 x 550 Profi Vario

Makine türü: Masa torna tezgahı

madde-No: 163374335

miktar: 1

tarih: 11.03.2025

Üretim yılı: yeni makine

yer: Land-de Almanya Velen-Ramsdorf (46342)


Stoktaki makine:evet


turning diameter over bed: 250 mm
turning diameter over slide rest: 140 mm
turning length: 550 mm
turning speeds: 50 - 2000 U/min
centre height: 125 mm
spindle bore: 26 mm
tailstock quill taper MT: 2 MK
tailstock quill stroke: 65 mm
connected load frequency: 230 V
total power requirement: 1,1 kW
weight of the machine ca.: 0,15 t
dimensions of the machine ca.: 1,3 x 0,6 x 0,65 m
Benchtop lathe with base cabinet
3-axis LCD digital display system fully assembled.
Longitudinal feed.
3-jaw chuck 125 mm.
4-jaw chuck 125 mm.
Clamping plate.
4-way steel holder.
Clock W5329549 for thread cutting.
Drip tray
Hardened bed tracks.
Emergency stop switch.
Forage protection
Set of wheels.
Appropriate tools.

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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turning diameter over bed: 250 mm
turning diameter over slide rest: 140 mm
turning length: 550 mm
turning speeds: 50 - 2000 U/min
centre height: 125 mm
spindle bore: 26 mm
tailstock quill taper MT: 2 MK
tailstock quill stroke: 65 mm
connected load frequency: 230 V
total power requirement: 1,1 kW
weight of the machine ca.: 0,15 t
dimensions of the machine ca.: 1,3 x 0,6 x 0,65 m
Benchtop lathe with base cabinet
3-axis LCD digital display system fully assembled.
Longitudinal feed.
3-jaw chuck 125 mm.
4-jaw chuck 125 mm.
Clamping plate.
4-way steel holder.
Clock W5329549 for thread W5329549 cutting.
Drip tray
Hardened bed tracks.
Emergency stop switch.
Forage protection
Set of wheels.
Appropriate tools.

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1108-78002
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WMT GmbH & Co. KG

Bay Ewald Wendholt
46342 Velen-Ramsdorf

RESALE üye beri 2010

  • makine listesi (812)


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