Motorlu makaslar FASTI 507-25-3.25

metal çalışma makineleri / sac levha çalışması / Motorlu makaslar

Üretici: FASTI


Makine türü: Motorlu makaslar

madde-No: 165539785

miktar: 1

tarih: 11.03.2025

Üretim yılı:

yer: Ahaus


Stoktaki makine:evet


sheet width: 2540 mm
plate thickness: 3.25 mm
throat: 100 mm
no. of strokes: 60.0 Hub/min
back stop - adjustable: 530 mm
voltage: 400 V
engine output: 7.5 kW
weight: 2450 kg
range L-W-H: 3600 x 1000 x 1560 mm
- robust electric motorized guillotine shears
- stable, front support/work table
- Front control panel - including emergency stop button
- manual back gauge up to approx. 700 mm
- adjustable by handwheel, with analogue mm scale display
- 1x front side stops
- 3x front support arms
- manual cutting gap adjustment
- Cut/lift confirmation by foot pedal
- 1x freely movable foot A5316625 switch
- rear sheet metal slide
- User manual (PDF)

Machine link: ineno=1008-9325320

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sheet width: 2540 mm
plate thickness: 3.25 mm
throat: 100 mm
no. of strokes: 60.0 Hub/min
back stop - adjustable: 530 mm
voltage: 400 V
engine output: 7.5 kW
weight: 2450 kg
range L-W-H: 3600 x 1000 x 1560 mm
- robust electric motorized guillotine shears
- stable, front support/work table
- Front control panel - including emergency stop button
- manual back gauge up to approx. 700 mm
- adjustable by handwheel, with analogue mm scale display
- 1x front side stops
- 3x front support arms
- manual cutting gap adjustment
- Cut/lift confirmation by foot pedal
- 1x freely movable foot A5316625 switch
- rear sheet A5316625 metal slide
- User manual (PDF)

Machine link: ineno=1008-9325320

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1008-9325320
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A+B Werkzeug Maschinen Handels GmbH

Bay Bahr
48683 Ahaus

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