Otomatik Pipetleme Sistemi EPPENDORF epMotion 5075

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Exapro S.A.S
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49400 Saumur

makine satıcısı üye beri 2023

  • makine listesi (4981)
madde-No: 164838908 miktar: 1 tarih: 01.11.2024
Üretim yılı: 2007 yer: Land-ES İspanya
fiyat: 3,500 EUR
model: epMotion 5075
Makine türü: Otomatik Pipetleme Sistemi
tarif: Otomatik Pipetleme Sistemi EPPENDORF epMotion 5075

kullanılmış makine

Eppendorf epMotion 5075 Automated Pipetting System

The Eppendorf epMotion® 5075 automated pipetting system is a high-performance workstation thats capable of handling all pipetting and dispensing tasks in the laboratory. This volumetric dispensing system can be integrated easily in the work environment and provide an economical solution for these time-consuming, delicate jobs, so that personnel can spend more time on other laboratory E41161673 work. The modular design of the entire epMotion® range also lends itself to a wide variety of options, extending its implementation possibilities enormously.
seller offer No. resale P230906037
Seller-item-No.: P230906037
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