Dikey torna tezgahı EMAG VTC 250 DUO DD

metal çalışma makineleri / torna

Üretici: EMAG

model:VTC 250 DUO DD

Makine türü: Dikey torna tezgahı

madde-No: 159201066

miktar: 1

tarih: 11.03.2025

Üretim yılı: 2007

yer: Land-de Almanya Werksstandort, unter Strom


Stoktaki makine:evet


control: Siemens 840-D
tool taper: HSK & VDI 40
- - -: - - - - - -
Vertical Turning Machine EMAG - VTC 250 DUO DD with
ITC (7-30 bar) and driven tools

Additional equipment:

- Workpiece grippers on all 3 turrets
- 12-position disc turret for driven tools and VDI 40 tool holders,
- 12-station disc turret with cross-slot and VDI 40 tool holders,
- 12-station disc turret for driven tools and VDI 40 tool holders,
- NC steady rest, self-centering,
- headstock below,
- tailstock below,

- chip conveyor
- Knoll unit 1.500 l,

- OP10: Three-jaw chuck Rhöm KFD-N 220/3,
- OP20: Hainbuch Spanntop pull-back BZI65,
- Live tool for axial and radial machining,
- Tool holder with Capto 5 quick change system,
- Artis as tool and process monitoring,

The machine is in a well-maintained condition S5350654 and
can be inspected at any time under power.

A machine video from the production plant will be shared on request.

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#Tags: VTC250 | VTC-250 | VTC250DUO | VTC-250 DUO

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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control: Siemens 840-D
tool taper: HSK & VDI 40
- - -: - - - - - -
Vertical Turning Machine EMAG - VTC 250 DUO DD with
ITC (7-30 bar) and driven tools

Additional equipment:

- Workpiece grippers on all 3 turrets
- 12-position disc turret for driven tools and VDI 40 tool holders,
- 12-station disc turret with cross-slot and VDI 40 tool holders,
- 12-station disc turret for driven tools and VDI 40 tool holders,
- NC steady rest, self-centering,
- headstock below,
- tailstock below,

- chip conveyor
- Knoll unit 1.500 l,

- OP10: Three-jaw chuck Rhöm KFD-N 220/3,
- OP20: Hainbuch Spanntop pull-back BZI65,
- Live tool for axial and radial machining,
- Tool holder with Capto 5 quick change system,
- Artis as tool and process monitoring,

The machine is in a well-maintained condition S5350654 and
can be inspected at S5350654 any time under power.

A machine video from the production plant will be shared on request.

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#Tags: VTC250 | VTC-250 | VTC250DUO | VTC-250 DUO

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 2026-1411
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