Boru Testeresi ELUMATEC SBZ 131

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model:SBZ 131

Makine türü: Boru Testeresi

madde-No: 166542254

miktar: 1

tarih: 27.03.2025

Üretim yılı: 2019

yer: Land-HU Macaristan



This 3-axis Elumatec SBZ 131 pipe saw was manufactured in 2019. It features a 7.2-meter cutting length, 4-axis control for precise aluminum and steel processing, and a revolver head with storage for 8 tools. The machine ensures operator safety with a light barrier and protective grid. Its ideal for complete profile processing without G5349640 moving the raw material. Buy this Elumatec SBZ 131 pipe saw for efficient and accurate work. Contact us for further details regarding this pipe saw.
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This 3-axis Elumatec SBZ 131 pipe saw was manufactured in 2019. It features a 7.2-meter cutting length, 4-axis control for precise aluminum and steel processing, and a revolver head with storage for 8 tools. The machine ensures operator safety with a light barrier and protective grid. Its ideal for complete profile processing without G5349640 moving the raw material. Buy this G5349640 Elumatec SBZ 131 pipe saw for efficient and accurate work. Contact us for further details regarding this pipe saw.
seller offer No. resale HU-SAW-ELU-2019-00001
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