Pille çalışan delme makineleri DMG DMU 160 P

metal çalışma makineleri / delik işleme değirmenleri ve işleme merkezleri / Pille çalışan delme makineleri

Aleman Machines e.K.
[ bayi profili ]

Bayan Maria Morillo de Geiger
73466 Lauchheim

  • +49 (0) 7... Telefon

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RESALE üye beri 2015

  • makine listesi (47)
madde-No: 163803341 miktar: 1 tarih: 22.11.2024
Üretim yılı: 2002 yer: Auf Anfrage
Üretici: DMG
model: DMU 160 P
Makine türü: Pille çalışan delme makineleri
tarif: Pille çalışan delme makineleri DMG DMU 160 P

kullanılmış makine

x-travel: 1600 mm
y-travel: 1250 mm
z-travel: 1000 mm
Control: HEIDENHAIN TNCi 530
tool taper: HSK-A63
spindle turning speed range: 18000 U/min
table dimension - cross: 1250 mm
table dimension - longitudinal: 1500 mm
rapid traverse: 60 m/min
feed: 20-15000 mm/min
workpiece weight: 4000 kg
table turning speeds: 10 U/min
Tools changer: 60 pos.
handwheel: el.
Machine on: 49248
Spindle hours: 13157
total power requirement: kW
weight of the machine ca.: 34 t
dimensions of the machine ca.: 8800 x 8800 x 3500 m
he DMU 160P is in very good condition and can be inspected under power at the
sellers premises.
under power at the sellers premises.
The machine has mainly been used to mill plastic and otherwise aluminium.

Spindle HSK63 18.000 1/min approx. 1.000h
Minimum lubrication inside/outside
Blowing air A41128652 inside/outside
coolant from the outside
Tool magazine 60-fold
Measuring probe Heidenhain
Control Heidenhain TNCi 530
Operating mode 4
Electronic handwheel

--> Tool change unit and the Z-curtain replaced in 2022.

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1120-701
Stoktaki makine: evet
Seller-item-No.: 1120-701
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