General SKU222W212 LocationBarneveld MakeDidier Filtertechnik GmbH
No.2190 Year of construction2011 Pressure Working pressure6 Bar
Vacuum possiblecheck Working pressure jacket6 Bar Main Features
MaterialStainless steel Volume700 Ltr. Motor2.2 KW Specified
Features - Stainless Steel Reactor Reactorcheck Capacitynetto ±550
Ltr. (bruto 700 Ltr.) Vessel sizesDia. 900x1300 mm Dished
bottomcheck Dished top sidecheck Top connectionsDia. 50 mm (4x)
OutletDia. 30 mm With jacketcheck jacketed outlet valve Half coil
jacketedcheck 12 Ltr. Max. temperature110°C With propellor
stirrercheck Motor2,2 kW, 220/380 volt, 1400/571 rpm Speed mixing
shaft571 rpm Stainless Steel Reactors MaterialStainless steel 1.4571
(316Ti) Information Mounted on legscheck and wheels
Floorspace1,0x1,0 m Total height3,15 m Weight600 kg ATEX
compatiblecheckStainless F5352068 Steel ReactorsDidier
FiltertechnikReactors > Stainless Steel ReactorsBrand > Didier
Filtertechnik What you can expect from Foeth: -- Machine is in working
condition -- At a reduced price compared to new -- Ready for shipping
to any destination worldwide -- You are welcome to inspect the machine
in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit us in Barneveld for many
more machines!