Vakumlu Yağ Filtrasyonu CHINA FASOON DTS-4

gıda makineleri / farmasötik ve kozmetik makineleri

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Exapro S.A.S
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49400 Saumur

makine satıcısı üye beri 2023

  • makine listesi (4978)
madde-No: 164839003 miktar: 1 tarih: 10.11.2024
Üretim yılı: 2021 yer: Land-CZ Çek Cumhuriyeti
fiyat: 39,000 EUR
model: DTS-4
Makine türü: Vakumlu Yağ Filtrasyonu
tarif: Vakumlu Yağ Filtrasyonu CHINA FASOON DTS-4

kullanılmış makine

Vacuum Oil Filtration
Hourly output 600L oil daily output 4800L
Total power consumption E.L.72kw
AMMA Filter 3,5M2 + spare
Recommendations, HR cleaning, transformer oils, diesel, used cooking oils
The technology of purely physical distillation at low temperature and microfiltration purification was chosen for the DTS device. It allows to quickly separate from the waste oil all types of contaminants such as moisture, oxides, metal impurities, carbon residues, colloids, suspended and emulsified E41161673 substances, completely restore the physicochemical parameters (ie viscosity, PH value and flash point) of the waste oil so that met the standards and was exactly the same as the brand new oil.
seller offer No. resale P220104029
Seller-item-No.: P220104029
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