Vidalı kompresörler BOGE S15 ECO DR - 10 bar

metal çalışma makineleri / diğer metal çalışma makineleri / Vidalı kompresörler

Üretici: BOGE

model:S15 ECO DR - 10 bar

Makine türü: Vidalı kompresörler

madde-No: 157257585

miktar: 1

tarih: 11.03.2025

Üretim yılı: 2021

yer: Land-de Almanya Ahaus


Stoktaki makine:evet


feed pressure: 10 bar
Effective free air delivery: 1.950 L/min
motor: 400 V
0: 250 Liter
weight of the machine ca.: 467 kg.
total power requirement: 15,0 kW
range L-W-H: 1915 x 650 x 1640 mm
Exhibition machine / not yet in use
new BOGE SOLID model series
List price: 8.170 euros
Made in Germany

- with container and dryer / can be used immediately
- SOLIDcontrol microprocessor control
- Network pressure sensor
- Belt-driven drive system
- low compressed air temperature due to effective aftercooler
- Compressed A5316625 air tank installed horizontally
- including cold compressed air dryer
working automatically with pre- and post-filter (mounted)

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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feed pressure: 10 bar
Effective free air delivery: 1.950 L/min
motor: 400 V
0: 250 Liter
weight of the machine ca.: 467 kg.
total power requirement: 15,0 kW
range L-W-H: 1915 x 650 x 1640 mm
Exhibition machine / not yet in use
new BOGE SOLID model series
List price: 8.170 euros
Made in Germany

- with container and dryer / can be used immediately
- SOLIDcontrol microprocessor control
- Network pressure sensor
- Belt-driven drive system
- low compressed air temperature due to effective aftercooler
- Compressed A5316625 air tank installed A5316625 horizontally
- including cold compressed air dryer
working automatically with pre- and post-filter (mounted)

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1008-9489108
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A+B Werkzeug Maschinen Handels GmbH

Bay Bahr
48683 Ahaus

RESALE üye beri 2014

  • makine listesi (518)


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