Akümülatör vidalı kompresör BOGE 306022 V 230 L SL 270

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Üretici: BOGE

model:306022 V 230 L SL 270

Makine türü: Akümülatör vidalı kompresör

madde-No: 165972520

miktar: 1

tarih: 06.03.2025

Üretim yılı: 1999

yer: Land-de Almanya 26215 Wiefelstede, DE



Compressed air tank, pressure container, pressure tank, compressed air boiler, pressure vessel, compressor tank, pressure accumulator for screw compressor, compressor, compressed air unit, stationary compressed air compressor, screw block, compressor, compressor stage

-Manufacturer: Boge, pressure accumulator with filter block from compressor type SL 270
-Pressure accumulator: Type 306022 V 230 L
-Final pressure: max. 15 bar
-Hole circle: Ø 240 x 22 mm
-Filter units: see photos of individual components
-Dimensions: 1600/980/H1270 mm
-Weight: 289kg
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Compressed air tank, pressure container, pressure tank, compressed air boiler, pressure vessel, compressor tank, pressure accumulator for screw compressor, compressor, compressed air unit, stationary compressed air compressor, screw block, compressor, compressor stage

-Manufacturer: Boge, pressure accumulator with filter block from compressor type SL 270
-Pressure accumulator: Type 306022 V 230 L
-Final pressure: T534106 max. 15 bar
-Hole circle: Ø 240 x 22 mm
-Filter units: see photos of individual components
-Dimensions: 1600/980/H1270 mm
-Weight: 289kg
seller offer No. resale 31495
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