çentikleme makineleri BERNARDO AK 150

metal çalışma makineleri / sac levha çalışması / çentikleme makineleri


model:AK 150

Makine türü: çentikleme makineleri

madde-No: 160500579

miktar: 1

tarih: 11.03.2025

Üretim yılı: yeni makine

yer: Land-de Almanya Ahaus


Stoktaki makine:evet


plate thickness: 1,50 mm
blade length: 150 x 150 mm
table:: 457 x 305 mm
cutting angle: 90 °
adjustment of stroke: 20,0 mm
weight: 73,0 kg
range L-W-H: 460 x 630 x 1150 mm
- Notching with a burr-free cut, without deformation of the cut edges
- For punching out corners, shapes, etc. up to a maximum of 150 x 150 mm
- Body made of high-quality gray cast iron for precise work
- Blades made of surface-hardened tool steel

- A5316625 manual notching machine
- 2x material stops
- Scales support tables
- hand lever

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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plate thickness: 1,50 mm
blade length: 150 x 150 mm
table:: 457 x 305 mm
cutting angle: 90 °
adjustment of stroke: 20,0 mm
weight: 73,0 kg
range L-W-H: 460 x 630 x 1150 mm
- Notching with a burr-free cut, without deformation of the cut edges
- For punching out corners, shapes, etc. up to a maximum of 150 x 150 mm
- Body made of high-quality gray cast iron for precise work
- Blades made of surface-hardened tool steel

- A5316625 manual notching machine
- A5316625 2x material stops
- Scales support tables
- hand lever

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1008-8392024
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A+B Werkzeug Maschinen Handels GmbH

Bay Bahr
48683 Ahaus

RESALE üye beri 2014

  • makine listesi (518)


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