Bant testereleri BERG & SCHMID GBS 250 Super AutoCut

metal çalışma makineleri / testere / Bant testereleri

Üretici: BERG & SCHMID

model:GBS 250 Super AutoCut

Makine türü: Bant testereleri

madde-No: 166046668

miktar: 1

tarih: 11.03.2025

Üretim yılı: yeni makine

yer: 49779 Niederlangen


Stoktaki makine:evet


cutting diameter: 255 mm
saw band length: 2765 x 27 x 0,9 mm
table height: 950 mm
: 18-110 m/min
: 255 mm
capacity 90 degrees: square: 240 mm
capacity 90 degrees: flat: 300 x 180 mm
capacity 45 degrees: round: 210 mm
capacity 45 degrees: square: 190 mm
capacity 45 degrees: flat: 200 x 160 mm
capacity 60 degrees: round: 135 mm
capacity 60 degrees: square: 110 mm
capacity 60 degrees: flat: 130 x 100 mm
capacity 45 degrees: round: rechts 180 mm
capacity 45 degrees: square: rechts 160 mm
capacity 45 degrees: flat: rechts 180 x 100 mm
: 1,5/1,8 kW
: 350 kg
: 1700 x 900 x 2000 mm
Manufacturer no. 20437

- Miter cuts left 60° and right 45°
- Quick-action clamping stick can be moved in the T-slot for quick position
- Hydraulic brake cylinder
- Large ball-bearing turntable for easy miter adjustment (durable)
- Chip clearing brush
- Machine base H5351851 with automatic cooling system
- Lockable main switch, emergency stop separately
- EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility), UVV
- Current consumption display (saw band wear history, tool monitoring)
- Automatically more performance with the proven Berg & Schmid 3-stage AutoCut

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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cutting diameter: 255 mm
saw band length: 2765 x 27 x 0,9 mm
table height: 950 mm
: 18-110 m/min
: 255 mm
capacity 90 degrees: square: 240 mm
capacity 90 degrees: flat: 300 x 180 mm
capacity 45 degrees: round: 210 mm
capacity 45 degrees: square: 190 mm
capacity 45 degrees: flat: 200 x 160 mm
capacity 60 degrees: round: 135 mm
capacity 60 degrees: square: 110 mm
capacity 60 degrees: flat: 130 x 100 mm
capacity 45 degrees: round: rechts 180 mm
capacity 45 degrees: square: rechts 160 mm
capacity 45 degrees: flat: rechts 180 x 100 mm
: 1,5/1,8 kW
: 350 kg
: 1700 x 900 x 2000 mm
Manufacturer no. 20437

- Miter cuts left 60° and right 45°
- Quick-action clamping stick can be moved in the T-slot for quick position
- Hydraulic brake cylinder
- Large ball-bearing turntable for easy miter adjustment (durable)
- Chip clearing brush
- Machine base H5351851 with automatic cooling H5351851 system
- Lockable main switch, emergency stop separately
- EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility), UVV
- Current consumption display (saw band wear history, tool monitoring)
- Automatically more performance with the proven Berg & Schmid 3-stage AutoCut

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1125-2170007
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Heinz Sanders GmbH

Bay J?rgen Suntrup
49779 Niederlangen

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