
Döner elekler AZO E-650 B-1 - Rotating sieve

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Bay A Foeth
3771 Barneveld

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RESALE üye beri 2018

  • makine listesi (7703)
madde-No: 163419719 miktar: 1 tarih: 21.12.2024
Üretim yılı: yer: Land-nl Hollanda Barneveld
Üretici: AZO
model: E-650 B-1 - Rotating sieve
Makine türü: Döner elekler
tarif: Döner elekler AZO E-650 B-1 - Rotating sieve

kullanılmış makine

General SKU401T1257 LocationBarneveld MakeAZO TypeE 650 B1 No.5809 Year of construction2008 Main Features MaterialMild steel Motor1.5 KW Specified Features - Rotating sieve Rotating sievecheck Screw sizesø42x115 mm Inlet250x250 mm Outletø240 mm (with vibrating table) With inspection hatch460x140 mm Motor1,5 kW 230/400 Volt With variable speed drivecheck Speed72 rpm Air purged glandscheck With sieve cagecheck Sieve perforation16x16 mm MaterialMild steel Information With switchgearas is Total height1,4 m Weight560 kg Floor space2x1,1 m Extra Specificationswith vibrating screen: 2 stages, 0,35 m², size: 1170x370 mm, sieve :perforation: 2 mm Rotating sievesAZOSieves > Rotating sievesBrand > AZO F41252068 What you can expect from Foeth: -- Machine is in working condition -- At a reduced price compared to new -- Ready for shipping to any destination worldwide -- You are welcome to inspect the machine in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit us in Barneveld for many more machines!
seller offer No. resale 401T1257
Stoktaki makine: evet
Seller-item-No.: 401T1257
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