Sütun çekme vinci ABUS Säulenschwenkkran LS

mekanik taşıma depolama ekipmanları için makineler / diğer depolama ekipmanları

Üretici: ABUS

model:Säulenschwenkkran LS

Makine türü: Sütun çekme vinci

madde-No: 156797231

miktar: 1

tarih: 11.03.2025

Üretim yılı: yeni makine

yer: Land-de Almanya Ahaus


Stoktaki makine:evet


weight max. in kg: 1000 kg
arm length: 4000 mm
height: 3000 Unterkante Ausleger
total column height: 3790 mm
swivelling range: 270 Grad
weight: 560 kg
- Trolley power supply
- Trailing cable, cable slack approx. 800 mm
- Operation from the hallway using a pendant control

- ABUS electric chain hoist
- Chain hoist type GM 4 1000.5-2, 2-leg
- painted in color RAL 5017 traffic blue
- Load capacity 1 t
- hook path 3000 mm
- highest hook position 2442 mm
- Calculation basis FEM 9.901
- Drive group 2m / M5
- Lifting, 2-stage (pole switchable) 1.3 / 5 m / min
- Lifting capacity 0.22 / 0.9 kW
- duty cycle 60% ED
- Circuits 360 c / h

Overload protection
The crane system complies with the requirements of the Machinery Directive 2006/
42 / EC
as well as the currently valid UV regulations DGUV regulation 52
(formerly BGV D6).

included :
- Anchor rods L200 (set) size LS 200
- Consists of 8 pieces M27 mm x 800 mm with 1 steel A5316625 template (500/8)
- for fixing the foundation, including accessories for grouting

There is an assembly gap between the column base to align the slewing crane
and building floor to be provided. The assembly gap is after approx. 4 weeks
Crane operation to be poured under by the customer.

Fig. Shows a similar crane system

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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weight max. in kg: 1000 kg
arm length: 4000 mm
height: 3000 Unterkante Ausleger
total column height: 3790 mm
swivelling range: 270 Grad
weight: 560 kg
- Trolley power supply
- Trailing cable, cable slack approx. 800 mm
- Operation from the hallway using a pendant control

- ABUS electric chain hoist
- Chain hoist type GM 4 1000.5-2, 2-leg
- painted in color RAL 5017 traffic blue
- Load capacity 1 t
- hook path 3000 mm
- highest hook position 2442 mm
- Calculation basis FEM 9.901
- Drive group 2m / M5
- Lifting, 2-stage (pole switchable) 1.3 / 5 m / min
- Lifting capacity 0.22 / 0.9 kW
- duty cycle 60% ED
- Circuits 360 c / h

Overload protection
The crane system complies with the requirements of the Machinery Directive 2006/
42 / EC
as well as the currently valid UV regulations DGUV regulation 52
(formerly BGV D6).

included :
- Anchor rods L200 (set) size LS 200
- Consists of 8 pieces M27 mm x 800 mm with 1 steel A5316625 template (500/8)
- for A5316625 fixing the foundation, including accessories for grouting

There is an assembly gap between the column base to align the slewing crane
and building floor to be provided. The assembly gap is after approx. 4 weeks
Crane operation to be poured under by the customer.

Fig. Shows a similar crane system

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1008-8531890
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A+B Werkzeug Maschinen Handels GmbH

Bay Bahr
48683 Ahaus

RESALE üye beri 2014

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