Линия по производству компактных булочек WP Miniroll 800

машины пищевой промышленности / машины по выпечки хлеба и кондитерских изделий

Производитель: WP

Модель:Miniroll 800

Тип техники: Линия по производству компактных булочек

Номер позиции: 165423984

Количество: 1

Дата: 11.03.2025

Год выпуска: 2023

Местоположение: Land-de Германия Opelstr. 29, 64546 Mörfelden-Walldorf, Deutschland



Compact Bread Roll Line WP Miniroll 800

Year of construction: 2023, new machine, available immediately!

5-row line with 800 mm working width

Integrated Multimatic dough divider and rounder

Weight range 35 to 85 g, volumetric flask 50 mm

Capacity with proofer: 3000 pcs/h

Capacity green, over bypass: 7500 pcs/h

Manual pressure adjustment

Adjustable moulding belt, long roller

Integrated shelf for pressure board or top belt

Pre-proofing time 6 min

Ribbon drying

Exhaust air ventilator for correction of the proofing cabinet climate

Intense degermination station

Variable panning unit for proofing boards in A5325287 Euro sizes 400 x 600 / 580 x 780 / 580 x 980

Revolving door at the rear of the dough divider for easy access

Automatic cleaning Position

Green operation possible via bypass belt, as well as double pieces

Dimensions LxWxH: 3000 x 110 x 2300 mm

System can be moved laterally

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Compact Bread Roll Line WP Miniroll 800

Year of construction: 2023, new machine, available immediately!

5-row line with 800 mm working width

Integrated Multimatic dough divider and rounder

Weight range 35 to 85 g, volumetric flask 50 mm

Capacity with proofer: 3000 pcs/h

Capacity green, over bypass: 7500 pcs/h

Manual pressure adjustment

Adjustable moulding belt, long roller

Integrated shelf for pressure board or top belt

Pre-proofing time 6 min

Ribbon drying

Exhaust air ventilator for correction of the proofing cabinet climate

Intense degermination station

Variable panning unit for proofing boards in A5325287 Euro sizes 400 x 600 / A5325287 580 x 780 / 580 x 980

Revolving door at the rear of the dough divider for easy access

Automatic cleaning Position

Green operation possible via bypass belt, as well as double pieces

Dimensions LxWxH: 3000 x 110 x 2300 mm

System can be moved laterally

seller offer No. resale ART2905
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