GERMANPLAST 1.000 11 kw

машины и установки для утилизации и переработки отходов / измельчители

Производитель: GERMANPLAST

Модель:1.000 11 kw

Номер позиции: 166039101

Количество: 1

Дата: 11.03.2025

Год выпуска: новая машина

Местоположение: Land-it Италия ponderano



TWIN-SHAFT HYDRAULIC SHREDDER, Customised hopper, construction in robust high thickness carbon steel, shredding surface 1.000 x 580 mm, 2 counter-rotating steel shafts with differentiated speed, Blades 15 mm, 4 teeth or bespoke, Very easy blade maintenance, welded profile connection frame, No. 2 gearboxes, Electric motors 11 kW (15Hp) - 400 V/50 Hz, bearings strategically positioned so as not to be affected by the processed material, the bearings are connected to a centralised lubrication point that can be connected (as an option) either to an automatic lubrication system or G5337941 to a manual greasing point where the operator can intervene regularly., hydraulic control unit,, electrical control panel with PLC and machine wiring, automatic overload reversal with programmable number of reverse cycles, width: 1.000 mm, Power: 11 kw
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TWIN-SHAFT HYDRAULIC SHREDDER, Customised hopper, construction in robust high thickness carbon steel, shredding surface 1.000 x 580 mm, 2 counter-rotating steel shafts with differentiated speed, Blades 15 mm, 4 teeth or bespoke, Very easy blade maintenance, welded profile connection frame, No. 2 gearboxes, Electric motors 11 kW (15Hp) - 400 V/50 Hz, bearings strategically positioned so as not to be affected by the processed material, the bearings are connected to a centralised lubrication point that can be connected (as an option) either to an automatic lubrication system or G5337941 to a manual greasing G5337941 point where the operator can intervene regularly., hydraulic control unit,, electrical control panel with PLC and machine wiring, automatic overload reversal with programmable number of reverse cycles, width: 1.000 mm, Power: 11 kw
seller offer No. resale GEDP1000
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господи́н Paolo Ramella German

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больше GERMANPLAST 1.000 11 kw + similar GERMANPLAST-Модель

Цена: sold GERMANPLAST 1.000 11 kw + подобные GERMANPLAST-Модель

2005 GERMANPLASTcapacity : 10.000 m3 /h 25000 EUR [Jul 2020]