Станок для лазерной резки TRUMPF TruLaser 5030 (L16) 6000 W + LiftMaster

металлообрабатывающие станки / обработка листового металла

Производитель: TRUMPF

Модель:TruLaser 5030 (L16) 6000 W + LiftMaster

Тип техники: Станок для лазерной резки

Номер позиции: 165710019

Количество: 1

Дата: 25.11.2024

Год выпуска: 2013

Местоположение: Land-de Германия


Машина в наличии:Да


Standard equipment

- Closed machine frame with integrated laser unit
- Movement unit for high-precision machining
- Gantry drive in combination with linear direct drives
- Closed beam guidance
- One cutting head strategy
- TFT color screen
- Longitudinal conveyor belt
- Work area lighting
- Position laser diode
- Spray device
- PierceLine
- FocusLine
- Nitro Line
- PlasmaLine

TRUMP Lasers
- CO2 laser TruFlow 5000 with optimized standby mode
- Maintenance-free turbo radial blower
- High frequency excitation
- Gas mixer (integrated)
- Laser control TASC
- Laser power control
- Laser logbook function

cutting head
- Lens cutting head with 250 mm lens
- Universal quick-change device (UTI) with bus connection
- LensLine with condition check
- ControlLine: Height control and outside edge detection of sheet metal

- SINUMERIK 840D control
- Workshop programming
- Automatic switch-off
- ContourLine
- FastLine
- O5344949 Microweld
- FlyLine
- Teleservice via Internet

Data transfer
- USB interface
- RJ-45 network connection

- CE marking
- Light barriers
- Multi-chamber suction system
- Compact dedusting system

- TruFlow 6000 with optimized standby module
- BrightLine
- Right positioning machine
- LiftMaster
- Basic unit including peeling device and sheet thickness gauge
- Documentation TruLaser 5030/5030 classic
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Standard equipment

- Closed machine frame with integrated laser unit
- Movement unit for high-precision machining
- Gantry drive in combination with linear direct drives
- Closed beam guidance
- One cutting head strategy
- TFT color screen
- Longitudinal conveyor belt
- Work area lighting
- Position laser diode
- Spray device
- PierceLine
- FocusLine
- Nitro Line
- PlasmaLine

TRUMP Lasers
- CO2 laser TruFlow 5000 with optimized standby mode
- Maintenance-free turbo radial blower
- High frequency excitation
- Gas mixer (integrated)
- Laser control TASC
- Laser power control
- Laser logbook function

cutting head
- Lens cutting head with 250 mm lens
- Universal quick-change device (UTI) with bus connection
- LensLine with condition check
- ControlLine: Height control and outside edge detection of sheet metal

- SINUMERIK 840D control
- Workshop programming
- Automatic switch-off
- ContourLine
- FastLine
- O5344949 Microweld
- FlyLine
- O5344949 Teleservice via Internet

Data transfer
- USB interface
- RJ-45 network connection

- CE marking
- Light barriers
- Multi-chamber suction system
- Compact dedusting system

- TruFlow 6000 with optimized standby module
- BrightLine
- Right positioning machine
- LiftMaster
- Basic unit including peeling device and sheet thickness gauge
- Documentation TruLaser 5030/5030 classic
seller offer No. resale 4
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