Фасоннопродольные токарные автоматы с ЧПУ TORNOS Swiss DECO 36 G

металлообрабатывающие станки / токарные станки / Фасоннопродольные токарные автоматы с ЧПУ

Производитель: TORNOS

Модель:Swiss DECO 36 G

Тип техники: Фасоннопродольные токарные автоматы с ЧПУ

Номер позиции: 166686586

Количество: 1

Дата: 13.03.2025

Год выпуска: 2018

Местоположение: Deutschland


Машина в наличии:Да


bar material dia.: 32/36 mm
spindle passage: 42 mm
turning length: 220/100 mm
turning speeds: 8000 U/min
gripping station: 32/36 mm
turning speeds: 8000 U/min
number of tools: 38
number of milling stations: 27
control: Fanuc 31i-B5
Number of axles: 9+2x C-Achse St.
chip conveyor: Knoll
Number of working hours: 22981 h
high-pressure pump: 340 bar
control: TISIS i4.0
total power requirement: 10 kW
weight of the machine ca.: 5500 kg
dimensions of the machine ca.: 3 x 1,65 x 2,44 + Irco m
spindle hours: 12.527 h
bar loader: Breuning Irco 3,2m Stange
fire distinguisher: ja/yes KRAFT & bAUER
parts conveyor: ja/yes
tool breakage detector: ja/yes
CNC sliding headstock lathe Tornos SwissDECO 36 G, year 2018, installation
2019, with multi-channel loading magazine Breuning-Irco, year 2019

Tornos SwissDECO 36G can work with guide bush 32mm (sliding headstock lathe) or
without guide D5324947 bush 36mm (short lathe).

Machine ON/OFF: 25.491 h (as of 13/09/2024)
Working hours: 12.527h

mult channel barloader Breuning-Irco ecoPROFI 42.6 equiped with 6 channels:
11, 16, 22, 27, 34, 40mm
Knoll conveyor and filter system
TISIS i4.0 software

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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bar material dia.: 32/36 mm
spindle passage: 42 mm
turning length: 220/100 mm
turning speeds: 8000 U/min
gripping station: 32/36 mm
turning speeds: 8000 U/min
number of tools: 38
number of milling stations: 27
control: Fanuc 31i-B5
Number of axles: 9+2x C-Achse St.
chip conveyor: Knoll
Number of working hours: 22981 h
high-pressure pump: 340 bar
control: TISIS i4.0
total power requirement: 10 kW
weight of the machine ca.: 5500 kg
dimensions of the machine ca.: 3 x 1,65 x 2,44 + Irco m
spindle hours: 12.527 h
bar loader: Breuning Irco 3,2m Stange
fire distinguisher: ja/yes KRAFT & bAUER
parts conveyor: ja/yes
tool breakage detector: ja/yes
CNC sliding headstock lathe Tornos SwissDECO 36 G, year 2018, installation
2019, with multi-channel loading magazine Breuning-Irco, year 2019

Tornos SwissDECO 36G can work with guide bush 32mm (sliding headstock lathe) or
without guide D5324947 bush 36mm (short D5324947 lathe).

Machine ON/OFF: 25.491 h (as of 13/09/2024)
Working hours: 12.527h

mult channel barloader Breuning-Irco ecoPROFI 42.6 equiped with 6 channels:
11, 16, 22, 27, 34, 40mm
Knoll conveyor and filter system
TISIS i4.0 software

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1092-02961
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Detlef Jahn e. K.

господи́н Detlef Jahn
75331 Engelsbrand

RESALE член с 2017


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