упаковочные машины / упаковочные машины

Производитель: TREPKO


Номер позиции: 166772632

Количество: 1

Дата: 13.03.2025

Год выпуска:

Местоположение: Land-de Германия wentorf bei hamburg



Fully reconditioned foil wrapping machine which can be used for packing products butter, lard, margarine, tvorog or cottage cheese into aluminium foil or parchment paper. This machine is general overhauled and in a as good as new condition with new controls with frequency converter (renewed in 2023). The format on the machine is 500 gram, 125 x 75 x ±56 mm, bottom folding. The butter is feed with an aluminium through with aluminium augers. Aluminium dosing station. The machine is equiped with a photocell on the paper infeed, to control the exact position of the print on the foil. If there is no foil in the cell, the machine will stop. The speed can be adjusted by a frequency converter between 40 - 70 packages per minute (depending on filling weight, product, product viscosity and quality packaging). Outfeed conveyor. On request we can do a dry test (without product) with H5353732 your own foil on location, before you buy the machine., Additional features:, Excluding:, - Datecoder., Type of Machine: Butter Packaging Machine, Capacity: ± 2.000 Kg/h, Capacity (Units): up to 70 packages per minute , Packaging Weight: 500 gram, Packaging Size: 125 x 75 x ±56 mm, Packaging type: Bottom folding, Year of refurbishing: R2023, Motor power: 2,2 kW, Weight: ± 1.600 kg
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Fully reconditioned foil wrapping machine which can be used for packing products butter, lard, margarine, tvorog or cottage cheese into aluminium foil or parchment paper. This machine is general overhauled and in a as good as new condition with new controls with frequency converter (renewed in 2023). The format on the machine is 500 gram, 125 x 75 x ±56 mm, bottom folding. The butter is feed with an aluminium through with aluminium augers. Aluminium dosing station. The machine is equiped with a photocell on the paper infeed, to control the exact position of the print on the foil. If there is no foil in the cell, the machine will stop. The speed can be adjusted by a frequency converter between 40 - 70 packages per minute (depending on filling weight, product, product viscosity and quality packaging). Outfeed conveyor. On request we can do a dry test (without product) with H5353732 your own foil on H5353732 location, before you buy the machine., Additional features:, Excluding:, - Datecoder., Type of Machine: Butter Packaging Machine, Capacity: ± 2.000 Kg/h, Capacity (Units): up to 70 packages per minute , Packaging Weight: 500 gram, Packaging Size: 125 x 75 x ±56 mm, Packaging type: Bottom folding, Year of refurbishing: R2023, Motor power: 2,2 kW, Weight: ± 1.600 kg
seller offer No. resale 954
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