Круглошлифовальные станки STUDER S30-1

металлообрабатывающие станки / шлифовальные станки / Круглошлифовальные станки

Производитель: STUDER


Тип техники: Круглошлифовальные станки

Номер позиции: 161808689

Количество: 1

Дата: 11.03.2025

Год выпуска: 1987

Местоположение: Land-de Германия


Машина в наличии:Да


grinding diameter: 350 mm
grinding length: 650 mm
centre height: 175 mm
total power requirement: kW
weight of the machine ca.: t
dimensions of the machine ca.: m
- Well-maintained cylindrical grinding machine for internal and external
cylindrical grinding
- 7072 operating hours
- Retrofitted in 2013 with a cooling lubricant belt filter system, capacity 300
L, manufacturer Knoll.
- Including machine accessories, e.g. holders, flanges, collet chuck set, etc.
- The B533074 machine has been serviced regularly, technically and visually in good
condition - ready for use!

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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grinding diameter: 350 mm
grinding length: 650 mm
centre height: 175 mm
total power requirement: kW
weight of the machine ca.: t
dimensions of the machine ca.: m
- Well-maintained cylindrical grinding machine for internal and external
cylindrical grinding
- 7072 operating hours
- Retrofitted in 2013 with a cooling lubricant belt filter system, capacity 300
L, manufacturer Knoll.
- Including machine accessories, e.g. holders, flanges, collet chuck set, etc.
- The B533074 machine has been serviced B533074 regularly, technically and visually in good
condition - ready for use!

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1056-8254K
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господи́н Robert Bender
73230 Kirchheim

RESALE член с 2010

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