Подштамповые плиты SIEGMUND MOBILER HUBTISCH 28er

металлообрабатывающие станки / принадлежности для металлообрабатывающих станков / Подштамповые плиты

Производитель: SIEGMUND


Тип техники: Подштамповые плиты

Номер позиции: 156797319

Количество: 1

Дата: 11.03.2025

Год выпуска: новая машина

Местоположение: Land-de Германия Herstellerwerk


Машина в наличии:Да


table length: 1200 mm
table width: 800 mm
weight: 177 kg
With the new mobile lifting table from Siegmund you can get there
quickly and easily to the ideal working height.
Set new standards in ergonomics as well
Flexibility and benefit from the wide range of possible uses.

The stable steel construction offers stability even during the
Adjustment of the working height.

Maximum load capacity including perforated plate 500 kg

Working height between approx. 700 and 1,000 mm

For clamping on Premium Light with a clamping bolt
the spacer ring article no. 280653.N required.

including 28 mm perforated plate (light):
- A5316625 Premium Light
- through hardened tool steel X8.7,
- plasma nitrided and BAR coated
- Hole Ø 28 mm
- Drilling surface 100x100 mm grid
- Material thickness 15 mm

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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table length: 1200 mm
table width: 800 mm
weight: 177 kg
With the new mobile lifting table from Siegmund you can get there
quickly and easily to the ideal working height.
Set new standards in ergonomics as well
Flexibility and benefit from the wide range of possible uses.

The stable steel construction offers stability even during the
Adjustment of the working height.

Maximum load capacity including perforated plate 500 kg

Working height between approx. 700 and 1,000 mm

For clamping on Premium Light with a clamping bolt
the spacer ring article no. 280653.N required.

including 28 mm perforated plate (light):
- A5316625 Premium Light
- through A5316625 hardened tool steel X8.7,
- plasma nitrided and BAR coated
- Hole Ø 28 mm
- Drilling surface 100x100 mm grid
- Material thickness 15 mm

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1008-8531700
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