Сварочные столы SIEGMUND Extreme 8.7 2400 x 1200

металлообрабатывающие станки / сварочные аппараты / Сварочные столы

Производитель: SIEGMUND

Модель:Extreme 8.7 2400 x 1200

Тип техники: Сварочные столы

Номер позиции: 166046622

Количество: 1

Дата: 13.03.2025

Год выпуска: новая машина

Местоположение: 49779 Niederlangen


Машина в наличии:Да


table length: 2400 mm
table width: 1200 mm
table height: 200 mm
weight of the machine ca.: 913 kg
- Through hardened tool steel X8.7 + plasma nitriding
- Material thickness approx. 24.5 – 27 mm
- Sidewall made of high quality steel S355J2+N + plasma nitriding
- Bore Ø 28 mm
- Holes surface in diagonal grid
- Rounded corners, edges and holes
- Side panel height 200 mm
- Holes in the side wall in the diagonal grid
- Including scaling on the surface
- Structure reinforced with H5351851 ribs
- Grid lines enable precise build-ups

Including 4x feet basic equipment 650 item no. 280858.X

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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table length: 2400 mm
table width: 1200 mm
table height: 200 mm
weight of the machine ca.: 913 kg
- Through hardened tool steel X8.7 + plasma nitriding
- Material thickness approx. 24.5 – 27 mm
- Sidewall made of high quality steel S355J2+N + plasma nitriding
- Bore Ø 28 mm
- Holes surface in diagonal grid
- Rounded corners, edges and holes
- Side panel height 200 mm
- Holes in the side wall in the diagonal grid
- Including scaling on the surface
- Structure reinforced with H5351851 ribs
- Grid lines H5351851 enable precise build-ups

Including 4x feet basic equipment 650 item no. 280858.X

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1125-5183XDR
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Heinz Sanders GmbH

господи́н J?rgen Suntrup
49779 Niederlangen

RESALE член с 2018

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Цена: sold SIEGMUND Extreme 8.7 2400 x 1200 + подобные SIEGMUND-Модель

SIEGMUNDProfessional Extreme 8.7 1836 EUR [Sep 2018]