Фрезерный агрегат для пресс-форм HOMAG mit Perske Motoren

деревообрабатывающие станки / клеенаносящие машины

Производитель: HOMAG

Модель:mit Perske Motoren

Тип техники: Фрезерный агрегат для пресс-форм

Номер позиции: 162812027

Количество: 1

Дата: 10.03.2025

Местоположение: Land-de Германия 26215 Wiefelstede, DE

Цена: 2,450 EUR


Unit construction kit, format processing unit, cutting unit, milling unit, profile milling unit, jointing milling unit, trimming unit, double-end profiler, edge processing machine, scoring motor, chipper motor, milling motor for edge processing machine

-The two-motor HOMAG profile milling units ensure corner rounding even when processing veneer
-for rounding edges on the front and rear edges of the workpiece and at the bottom
-each T534106 2x corner copying units
-2x engines Perske
-Power: 0.3 KW
-Voltage: 165 volts
-Frequency: 300 Hz
-Speed: 18000 rpm
-Dimensions: 780/470/H340 mm
-Weight: 52 kg
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Unit construction kit, format processing unit, cutting unit, milling unit, profile milling unit, jointing milling unit, trimming unit, double-end profiler, edge processing machine, scoring motor, chipper motor, milling motor for edge processing machine

-The two-motor HOMAG profile milling units ensure corner rounding even when processing veneer
-for rounding edges on the front and rear edges of the workpiece and at the bottom
-each T534106 2x corner copying T534106 units
-2x engines Perske
-Power: 0.3 KW
-Voltage: 165 volts
-Frequency: 300 Hz
-Speed: 18000 rpm
-Dimensions: 780/470/H340 mm
-Weight: 52 kg
seller offer No. resale 12858
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Theodor Eberlei GmbH & Co.KG

господи́н Theodor Eberlei
26215 Wiefelstede

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