Система упаковки подушек безопасности SEALED AIR Fill Air-NTS

упаковочные машины / упаковочные машины

Производитель: SEALED AIR

Модель:Fill Air-NTS

Тип техники: Система упаковки подушек безопасности

Номер позиции: 165971511

Количество: 1

Дата: 11.03.2025

Местоположение: Land-de Германия 26215 Wiefelstede, DE

Цена: 750 EUR


Air cushion or air cushion bags are characterized as particularly space-saving and clean packaging. Fill-Air air bag packaging systems feature a variety of fast, easy-to-use systems that deliver air-filled cushions on demand. They offer excellent T534106 protection and efficient cavity filling while at the same time reducing material and shipping costs.
-Weight: 42 kg
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Air cushion or air cushion bags are characterized as particularly space-saving and clean packaging. Fill-Air air bag packaging systems feature a variety of fast, easy-to-use systems that deliver air-filled cushions on demand. They offer excellent T534106 protection and efficient T534106 cavity filling while at the same time reducing material and shipping costs.
-Weight: 42 kg
seller offer No. resale 5158
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Theodor Eberlei GmbH & Co.KG

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Цена: sold Sealed Air Fill Air-NTS + подобные Sealed Air-Модель

2015 SEALED AIRAir I.B. Express 2500 EUR [Oct 2018]