Diesel Generators SDMO J110 - 110 kVA Generator - DPX-17106

энергия и двигатели: электрические генераторы, двигатели, турбины, котлы / генераторы

Производитель: SDMO

Модель:J110 - 110 kVA Generator - DPX-17106

Тип техники: Diesel Generators

Номер позиции: 165763322

Количество: 1

Дата: 11.03.2025

Год выпуска: 2024

Местоположение: Land-NL Нидерланды DORDRECHT, Zuid-Holland

Цена: 19,500 EUR


Please note that from 2023 onwards, the canopies will be beige instead of blue. Also note that the specifications on the pictures might differ from the actual stock from 2023 and newer. See data sheets for the exact information.; Gross weight [kg]: 1535; Engine: John Deere 4045HSG20; D5340999 Accessories: Tanker, Battery, Control Panel, Stahldach, Including : coolant heater and battery charger; Water Tank Volume [l]: 190
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Please note that from 2023 onwards, the canopies will be beige instead of blue. Also note that the specifications on the pictures might differ from the actual stock from 2023 and newer. See data sheets for the exact information.; Gross weight [kg]: 1535; Engine: John Deere 4045HSG20; D5340999 Accessories: Tanker, D5340999 Battery, Control Panel, Stahldach, Including : coolant heater and battery charger; Water Tank Volume [l]: 190
seller offer No. resale DPX-17106
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