Инструментальный шлифовальный станок - Универсальный SCHÜTTE WU 500 CNC - 4

металлообрабатывающие станки / шлифовальные станки

Производитель: SCHÜTTE

Модель:WU 500 CNC - 4

Тип техники: Инструментальный шлифовальный станок - Универсальный

Номер позиции: 156637800

Количество: 1

Дата: 11.03.2025

Год выпуска: 1989

Местоположение: Land-de Германия Metzingen


Машина в наличии:Да


max. grinding diameter: 320 mm
grinding length: 500 mm
workpiece length: 700 mm
total power requirement: 10 kW
weight of the machine ca.: 4 t
dimensions of the machine ca.: m
Height of centres 220 mm
Distance between centres / clamping length 750 / 500 mm

Table size 290 x 1,600 mm
Intermediate table 110 x 1,200 mm

X / Y / Z axes 500 / 320 / 320 mm
Feed speeds, X, Y & Z axes 0.005 - 5 m/min

Grinding head swivelling, vertical axis, manual 200 °
Grinding head tilting, manual +/- 90 °
Speed range of R axis, approx. 0 - 50 rpm
Grinding spindle speeds, infinitely variable, approx. 2,000 - 12,000 rpm
Workpiece holding fixture 50 ISO
Indexing 1 - 999 °
Leads 0.5 - 10,000 mm

Spindle drive 4 kW
Total electrical load, approx. 10 kW - 380 V - 50 Hz
Weight, approx. 4,000 kg

Accessories / Special Features
SCHÜTTE CNC Continuous Path Control for 4 axes with SIEMENS/BOSCH components and SIEMENS SPS Control, Model S5-100 U, with colour monitor. Program input is directly on a keyboard, freely programmable.
Various subprograms for hobs with straight and spiral grooves, and for solid carbide cutting tools.
Mobile manual control device for all axes, with electronic hand wheel, ampere display, and speed display.
Large coolant device with band filter, oil mist exhaust.
Completely covered working area with 4 H5341166 doors.
Various tool holding mandrels. Various grinding wheel holding fixtures.
Vice base for mounting on table. Central lubrication, etc.

Condition : Good. Machine can be inspected under power.
The machine was used almost exclusively for grinding hobs.
Delivery : Ex stock as inspected
Payment : Net, after conclusion of contract

We have a selection of tool grinding machines available. Please let us know your requirement

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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max. grinding diameter: 320 mm
grinding length: 500 mm
workpiece length: 700 mm
total power requirement: 10 kW
weight of the machine ca.: 4 t
dimensions of the machine ca.: m
Height of centres 220 mm
Distance between centres / clamping length 750 / 500 mm

Table size 290 x 1,600 mm
Intermediate table 110 x 1,200 mm

X / Y / Z axes 500 / 320 / 320 mm
Feed speeds, X, Y & Z axes 0.005 - 5 m/min

Grinding head swivelling, vertical axis, manual 200 °
Grinding head tilting, manual +/- 90 °
Speed range of R axis, approx. 0 - 50 rpm
Grinding spindle speeds, infinitely variable, approx. 2,000 - 12,000 rpm
Workpiece holding fixture 50 ISO
Indexing 1 - 999 °
Leads 0.5 - 10,000 mm

Spindle drive 4 kW
Total electrical load, approx. 10 kW - 380 V - 50 Hz
Weight, approx. 4,000 kg

Accessories / Special Features
SCHÜTTE CNC Continuous Path Control for 4 axes with SIEMENS/BOSCH components and SIEMENS SPS Control, Model S5-100 U, with colour monitor. Program input is directly on a keyboard, freely programmable.
Various subprograms for hobs with straight and spiral grooves, and for solid carbide cutting tools.
Mobile manual control device for all axes, with electronic hand wheel, ampere display, and speed display.
Large coolant device with band filter, oil mist exhaust.
Completely covered working area with 4 H5341166 doors.
Various tool H5341166 holding mandrels. Various grinding wheel holding fixtures.
Vice base for mounting on table. Central lubrication, etc.

Condition : Good. Machine can be inspected under power.
The machine was used almost exclusively for grinding hobs.
Delivery : Ex stock as inspected
Payment : Net, after conclusion of contract

We have a selection of tool grinding machines available. Please let us know your requirement

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1049-359979
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Hans-Jürgen Geiger Maschinen-Vertrieb GmbH

господи́н Michael P. Richter
72555 Metzingen

RESALE член с 2014

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