API QVF GLASSTECHNIK Washing, dissolving, filtering installation - Glas

технологические процессы / машины и установки для технологических процессов


Модель:Washing, dissolving, filtering installation - Glas

Тип техники: API

Номер позиции: 164920653

Количество: 1

Дата: 11.03.2025

Год выпуска:

Местоположение: Land-nl Нидерланды Barneveld The Netherlands


Машина в наличии:Да


General SKU322S570 LocationBarneveld MakeQVF Glastechnik GmbH (D) TypeWashing, dissolving, filtering, precipitating and recovering installation No.155153/2214 Year of construction1995 Pressure Working pressure0.3 Bar Vacuum possiblecheck Main Features MaterialGlass Motor0.37 KW Specified Features - Glass-lined Reactor Capacity120 ltr (4x), 110 ltr. (1x) Vessel sizesdia. 595x480m (4x), dia. 400x750mm (1x) Max. temperature20 degr. C With propellor stirrer0,37 kW 230/400 Volt 175-775 rpm With paddle stirrercheck Motor0,25 kW 230/400 Volt Speed mixing shaft110-630 rpm Glass Reactors MaterialGlass Information Mounted on legsframe With switchgearas is Weight1800 Kg Floorspace4,6x2,0 M Total height2,3 M Extra SpecificationsQVF Glasstechnik Washing, dissolving, filtering, precipitating, and recovering installation The entire installation is built in a tubular steel frame. The heating of the smallest glass vessel of 110 liters is done by means of an electric heating element which is suspended in the product. Two of the larger 120 liters glass vessels are heated with an electric heating system. A water loop in the product ensures the heat transfer. The product is circulated by means of two QVF Glasstechnik pumps type GPB 3/30 A. motor 0.25 kW, capacity 3 m3/h. The butterfly valves in the piping are operated by air-operated rotary motors.APIGlass-lined ReactorsDyes & pigmentsAgrochemicalsSolid pharmaceuticsBiotechnologyLubricants & oleoOther chemicalFine chemicalsCosmeticsOther pharmaceuticsDetergent & surf.OintmentsGeneric medicinesSolventsCatalysts & fillersQVF GlasstechnikIndustries > Chemical > APIReactors > Glass-lined ReactorsIndustries > Chemical > Dyes & pigmentsIndustries > Chemical > AgrochemicalsIndustries > Pharmaceutical F5352068 > Solid pharmaceuticsIndustries > Chemical > BiotechnologyIndustries > Chemical > Lubricants & oleoIndustries > Chemical > Other chemicalIndustries > Chemical > Fine chemicalsIndustries > Chemical > CosmeticsIndustries > Pharmaceutical > Other pharmaceuticsIndustries > Chemical > Detergent & surf.Industries > Pharmaceutical > OintmentsIndustries > Pharmaceutical > Generic medicinesIndustries > Chemical > SolventsIndustries > Chemical > Catalysts & fillersBrand > QVF Glasstechnik What you can expect from Foeth: -- Machine is in working condition -- At a reduced price compared to new -- Ready for shipping to any destination worldwide -- You are welcome to inspect the machine in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit us in Barneveld for many more machines!
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General SKU322S570 LocationBarneveld MakeQVF Glastechnik GmbH (D) TypeWashing, dissolving, filtering, precipitating and recovering installation No.155153/2214 Year of construction1995 Pressure Working pressure0.3 Bar Vacuum possiblecheck Main Features MaterialGlass Motor0.37 KW Specified Features - Glass-lined Reactor Capacity120 ltr (4x), 110 ltr. (1x) Vessel sizesdia. 595x480m (4x), dia. 400x750mm (1x) Max. temperature20 degr. C With propellor stirrer0,37 kW 230/400 Volt 175-775 rpm With paddle stirrercheck Motor0,25 kW 230/400 Volt Speed mixing shaft110-630 rpm Glass Reactors MaterialGlass Information Mounted on legsframe With switchgearas is Weight1800 Kg Floorspace4,6x2,0 M Total height2,3 M Extra SpecificationsQVF Glasstechnik Washing, dissolving, filtering, precipitating, and recovering installation The entire installation is built in a tubular steel frame. The heating of the smallest glass vessel of 110 liters is done by means of an electric heating element which is suspended in the product. Two of the larger 120 liters glass vessels are heated with an electric heating system. A water loop in the product ensures the heat transfer. The product is circulated by means of two QVF Glasstechnik pumps type GPB 3/30 A. motor 0.25 kW, capacity 3 m3/h. The butterfly valves in the piping are operated by air-operated rotary motors.APIGlass-lined ReactorsDyes & pigmentsAgrochemicalsSolid pharmaceuticsBiotechnologyLubricants & oleoOther chemicalFine chemicalsCosmeticsOther pharmaceuticsDetergent & surf.OintmentsGeneric medicinesSolventsCatalysts & fillersQVF GlasstechnikIndustries > Chemical > APIReactors > Glass-lined ReactorsIndustries > Chemical > Dyes & pigmentsIndustries > Chemical > AgrochemicalsIndustries > Pharmaceutical F5352068 > Solid F5352068 pharmaceuticsIndustries > Chemical > BiotechnologyIndustries > Chemical > Lubricants & oleoIndustries > Chemical > Other chemicalIndustries > Chemical > Fine chemicalsIndustries > Chemical > CosmeticsIndustries > Pharmaceutical > Other pharmaceuticsIndustries > Chemical > Detergent & surf.Industries > Pharmaceutical > OintmentsIndustries > Pharmaceutical > Generic medicinesIndustries > Chemical > SolventsIndustries > Chemical > Catalysts & fillersBrand > QVF Glasstechnik What you can expect from Foeth: -- Machine is in working condition -- At a reduced price compared to new -- Ready for shipping to any destination worldwide -- You are welcome to inspect the machine in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit us in Barneveld for many more machines!
seller offer No. resale 322S570
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3771 Barneveld

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