металлообрабатывающие станки / принадлежности для металлообрабатывающих станков

Производитель: OPTIMUM

Модель:HMS 125

Тип техники: Порок

Номер позиции: 156797453

Количество: 1

Дата: 11.03.2025

Год выпуска: новая машина

Местоположение: Land-de Германия Ahaus


Машина в наличии:Да


thickness of jaw: 127 mm
clamping width: 0 - 208 in 3 Stufen mm
clamping capacity: 4000 kg
total power requirement: manuell kW
weight of the machine ca.: 52 kg
dimensions of the machine ca.: 670 x 151 ( L x H ) mm
- hydraulic machine vice
- Robust structure for milling, drilling and grinding
- Vice body made of high quality cast iron
- Guide surfaces hardened and ground
- Jaws hardened, ground and exchangeable
- Protected spindle
- Booster system, little effort required, high pressure A5316625 when clamping
- Wide clamping range thanks to locking bolts with different hole spacings
- With turntable

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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thickness of jaw: 127 mm
clamping width: 0 - 208 in 3 Stufen mm
clamping capacity: 4000 kg
total power requirement: manuell kW
weight of the machine ca.: 52 kg
dimensions of the machine ca.: 670 x 151 ( L x H ) mm
- hydraulic machine vice
- Robust structure for milling, drilling and grinding
- Vice body made of high quality cast iron
- Guide surfaces hardened and ground
- Jaws hardened, ground and exchangeable
- Protected spindle
- Booster system, little effort required, high pressure A5316625 when clamping
- Wide A5316625 clamping range thanks to locking bolts with different hole spacings
- With turntable

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1008-8801004
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A+B Werkzeug Maschinen Handels GmbH

господи́н Bahr
48683 Ahaus

RESALE член с 2014

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