Ленточные пилы MEP Shark 282 CCS

металлообрабатывающие станки / пилы / Ленточные пилы

Производитель: MEP

Модель:Shark 282 CCS

Тип техники: Ленточные пилы

Номер позиции: 166046566

Количество: 1

Дата: 11.03.2025

Год выпуска: новая машина

Местоположение: 49779 Niederlangen


Машина в наличии:Да


cutting diameter: 250 mm
saw band length: 2950 mm
cutting width: 280 mm
: 2950 x 27 x 0,9 mm
: 285 mm
: 36 / 72 m/min
: 250 mm
: 220 mm
: 280 x 220 mm
: 120 mm
: 140 x 80 mm
: 80 mm
: 200 mm
: links 220 x 200 / rechts mm
: links 200 / rechts 170 mm
: 1,86 kW
: 0,4 t
: 1,8 x 1,3 x 1,8 m
Powerful miter band saw for cuts from 45 ° right to 60 °

CCS (CutControlSystem) for automatic cutting. (Stepless regulation of the
Feed and switch-off at the end of the cut)

Manual cutting cycle
AUTOMATIC CUT: (via selector switch) with stepless settings of the
Lowering speed and adjustment of the cutting pressure via compensating spring
Stable, torsion-resistant and low-vibration saw frame made of cast steel
Large, easily adjustable and mounted turntable, by means of central axis bolts
centered turntable with indexing at 0 ° / 45 ° / 60 ° and inside
Table clamp for intermediate angles
Vice with quick adjustment
Carbide band guides for maximum cutting H5351851 precision
Large deflection discs, adjustable, made of cast steel
Hydraulic unit for the saw band tension and monitoring with display
Manometer (belt tension = 900 kg)
Clear switchboard with all controls
Underframe with lockable door and removable coolant tray,
electric coolant pump
Chip removal brush for cleaning the saw band

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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cutting diameter: 250 mm
saw band length: 2950 mm
cutting width: 280 mm
: 2950 x 27 x 0,9 mm
: 285 mm
: 36 / 72 m/min
: 250 mm
: 220 mm
: 280 x 220 mm
: 120 mm
: 140 x 80 mm
: 80 mm
: 200 mm
: links 220 x 200 / rechts mm
: links 200 / rechts 170 mm
: 1,86 kW
: 0,4 t
: 1,8 x 1,3 x 1,8 m
Powerful miter band saw for cuts from 45 ° right to 60 °

CCS (CutControlSystem) for automatic cutting. (Stepless regulation of the
Feed and switch-off at the end of the cut)

Manual cutting cycle
AUTOMATIC CUT: (via selector switch) with stepless settings of the
Lowering speed and adjustment of the cutting pressure via compensating spring
Stable, torsion-resistant and low-vibration saw frame made of cast steel
Large, easily adjustable and mounted turntable, by means of central axis bolts
centered turntable with indexing at 0 ° / 45 ° / 60 ° and inside
Table clamp for intermediate angles
Vice with quick adjustment
Carbide band guides for maximum cutting H5351851 precision
Large deflection H5351851 discs, adjustable, made of cast steel
Hydraulic unit for the saw band tension and monitoring with display
Manometer (belt tension = 900 kg)
Clear switchboard with all controls
Underframe with lockable door and removable coolant tray,
electric coolant pump
Chip removal brush for cleaning the saw band

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1125-3925
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Heinz Sanders GmbH

господи́н J?rgen Suntrup
49779 Niederlangen

RESALE член с 2018

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