Обрабатывающие центры с ЧПУ MASTERWOOD 4 Win,Fenster,Tueren - Video -

деревообрабатывающие станки / фрезерные станки деревообрабатывающие / Обрабатывающие центры с ЧПУ

Производитель: MASTERWOOD

Модель:4 Win,Fenster,Tueren - Video -

Тип техники: Обрабатывающие центры с ЧПУ

Номер позиции: 161582278

Количество: 1

Дата: 11.03.2025

Год выпуска: 2023

Местоположение: Land-de Германия Oberkochen


Машина в наличии:Да


max. workpiece length: 4400 mm
profile spindle: 1 Stück
main drive: 19,2 kW
Control: Beckhoff
CNC machining center MASTERWOOD 4 WIN
STOCK MACHINE: Immediately available!

Specially designed for a rational and flexible wooden window u.
door production


- Different tool magazines for optimal tool loading
- Simultaneous loading of 4 workpieces
- Patented clamping system for optimal processing of the workpieces
- CNC controlled work table with automatic positioning of beams and
- Automatic re-clamping for changing between external and internal profiling
- INTEGRATED window construction software, i.e. the machine does not have to
(but can
of course) can be controlled from the office with external industry software.
- strong motor with 19.2 kW HSK-63 E

Please note that this stock machine is with us in Oberkochen and
is already equipped with many useful options.

Tools available at short notice on request!
Request an offer and see for yourself
unbeatable value for money!

VIDEO of the machine on request!

Below you G5312123 will find the technical Description of the machine as a PDF document.

We would be happy to sell your used machine to a
pay a reasonable price!

Suitable stationary or mobile suction on request! (see e.g. #5674

Suitable compressor on request! (#5997 Kaeser Aircenter SM 15)

(technical information according to the manufacturer - without guarantee!)

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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max. workpiece length: 4400 mm
profile spindle: 1 Stück
main drive: 19,2 kW
Control: Beckhoff
CNC machining center MASTERWOOD 4 WIN
STOCK MACHINE: Immediately available!

Specially designed for a rational and flexible wooden window u.
door production


- Different tool magazines for optimal tool loading
- Simultaneous loading of 4 workpieces
- Patented clamping system for optimal processing of the workpieces
- CNC controlled work table with automatic positioning of beams and
- Automatic re-clamping for changing between external and internal profiling
- INTEGRATED window construction software, i.e. the machine does not have to
(but can
of course) can be controlled from the office with external industry software.
- strong motor with 19.2 kW HSK-63 E

Please note that this stock machine is with us in Oberkochen and
is already equipped with many useful options.

Tools available at short notice on request!
Request an offer and see for yourself
unbeatable value for money!

VIDEO of the machine on request!

Below you G5312123 will find the G5312123 technical Description of the machine as a PDF document.

We would be happy to sell your used machine to a
pay a reasonable price!

Suitable stationary or mobile suction on request! (see e.g. #5674

Suitable compressor on request! (#5997 Kaeser Aircenter SM 15)

(technical information according to the manufacturer - without guarantee!)

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1305-2703
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Gebr. Engelfried oHG

господи́н Florian Engelfried
73432 Aalen

RESALE член с 2014

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