Станок для лазерной резки CO2 LVD Sirius 3015 PLUS

металлообрабатывающие станки / обработка листового металла

Производитель: LVD

Модель:Sirius 3015 PLUS

Тип техники: Станок для лазерной резки CO2

Номер позиции: 165958822

Количество: 1

Дата: 11.03.2025

Год выпуска: 2015

Местоположение: Land-DE Германия



This LVD Sirius 3015 PLUS was manufactured in 2015. A robust CO2 laser cutting machine, it includes an automatic nozzle changer and has logged 22,192 operating hours. The package comes complete with a laser source, cooler, extraction unit, and various wear parts including nozzles, lenses, and additional lens holders. If you are looking to G5349640 get high-quality cutting capabilities consider the LVD Sirius 3015 PLUS machine we have for sale. Contact us for more information about this machine.
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This LVD Sirius 3015 PLUS was manufactured in 2015. A robust CO2 laser cutting machine, it includes an automatic nozzle changer and has logged 22,192 operating hours. The package comes complete with a laser source, cooler, extraction unit, and various wear parts including nozzles, lenses, and additional lens holders. If you are looking to G5349640 get high-quality cutting G5349640 capabilities consider the LVD Sirius 3015 PLUS machine we have for sale. Contact us for more information about this machine.
seller offer No. resale DE-CUT-LVD-2015-00001
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господи́н Borja Garcia
67663 Kaiserslautern

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