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1 подобные машины:

Машина: RAINBOW 10HL
Год выпуска: 2018
Продавец: Land-de BEVMAQ GmbH

Overview  This brew house was built in 2018 by Chinese manufacturer Rainbow and has a wort volume of 10 hectoliters. This brewhouse was designed and laid out by the owner/ brewer himself and is not needed anymore because he switched to a bigger production. It is still in a very good condition, still installed and can be viewed in person.   Techn. Details  Capacity: 10 HL   Fully automated (possibility to control a total of 18 fermentation and storage tanks)  Touch panel with Siemens S7   Approximate space requirement (LxWxH): 6,500mm x 3,000mm x 3,100mm  Scope of delivery   Three-Vessel Brewhouse 10 HL   Steam generator  Hot Water Tank   Plate heat exchanger   Refrigeratio ...

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