KRONES Used Complete Bottling Line 14.000 bph

машины пищевой промышленности / машины для напитков

Производитель: KRONES

Модель:Used Complete Bottling Line 14.000 bph

Номер позиции: 166777144

Количество: 1

Дата: 12.03.2025

Год выпуска: 2004

Местоположение: Land-it Италия


Seller-item-No.:NP 620

Used Complete Bottling Line Krones 14.000 bph
Year: 2004
14.000 bph | 0.5 LT
12.000 bph | 1.5 LT
Type of workable products:
carbonated water
Still eater
Soft Drinks
KRONES Contiform S08
Incl. preformtipper Tanner, Prefromconveyor
Cooling Unit KKT Kraus KLC50N Mecafill VKP-PET 2880-80-113
Automatic butterfly valves Neumo
Plastic screw capper KRONES with 10 heads Pick & Place
thread spraying system Inkl. cap conveyor system
Compressor Kaeser ONLY Booster step
Mixer KRONES MSF 24/2
vacuum-assisted deaeration Brixmeter
Velcorin Dosing Unit Burdomat II G
Container Inspection KRONES Checkmat FM-G
Fill height (underfill) and cap control with gamma
Labelling Machine KRONES Unimodul 600-15
Contiroll labelling station 2-3-340 for wrap-around label from a reel with hotmelt
2 x cold glue labelling station 8-8-130 for paper label
Container Inspection KRONES Checkmat E
Label Check E5353665 existence
Code Device Excel 170i UHS
Packing Machine KRONES Variopac FS-30
6-lane infeed, 2 lane production (3x2) Foil only
Handle Applicator Comag H 40/2 2 lanes
Palletizer KRONES Robot 3A 2-lane infeed
Shutter gripper system
Layer pad inserter 4-sections (for ?-size pallet)
Pallet Safety Lachenmeier Multi Flex1 Stretch shroud applicator
Inclusive Bottle-, Pack- and Pallet conveyor according to layout
Code: NP 620
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Used Complete Bottling Line Krones 14.000 bph
Year: 2004
14.000 bph | 0.5 LT
12.000 bph | 1.5 LT
Type of workable products:
carbonated water
Still eater
Soft Drinks
KRONES Contiform S08
Incl. preformtipper Tanner, Prefromconveyor
Cooling Unit KKT Kraus KLC50N Mecafill VKP-PET 2880-80-113
Automatic butterfly valves Neumo
Plastic screw capper KRONES with 10 heads Pick & Place
thread spraying system Inkl. cap conveyor system
Compressor Kaeser ONLY Booster step
Mixer KRONES MSF 24/2
vacuum-assisted deaeration Brixmeter
Velcorin Dosing Unit Burdomat II G
Container Inspection KRONES Checkmat FM-G
Fill height (underfill) and cap control with gamma
Labelling Machine KRONES Unimodul 600-15
Contiroll labelling station 2-3-340 for wrap-around label from a reel with hotmelt
2 x cold glue labelling station 8-8-130 for paper label
Container Inspection KRONES Checkmat E
Label Check E5353665 existence
Code Device Excel E5353665 170i UHS
Packing Machine KRONES Variopac FS-30
6-lane infeed, 2 lane production (3x2) Foil only
Handle Applicator Comag H 40/2 2 lanes
Palletizer KRONES Robot 3A 2-lane infeed
Shutter gripper system
Layer pad inserter 4-sections (for ?-size pallet)
Pallet Safety Lachenmeier Multi Flex1 Stretch shroud applicator
Inclusive Bottle-, Pack- and Pallet conveyor according to layout
Code: NP 620

seller offer No. resale NP 620
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Цена: sold Krones Used Complete Bottling Line 14.000 bph + подобные Krones-Модель

1985 KRONESVinetta 2.000 - 6.000 Fl / h 6500 EUR [Feb 2012]
2000 KRONES12.000 E/h mit Rinser 103000 EUR [Aug 2019]
KRONESLine 60000 EUR [Mar 2018]
1993 KRONESKrones Can filling Line CSD 425000 EUR [Mar 2019]