Номер позиции: 155767596 удален из базы данных!

1 подобные машины:

Машина: Dorn & Schröder ROHO-70/10/600
Год выпуска: 2020
Продавец: Land-de Innovac GmbH
Местоположение:: Deutschland

A continuous kiln with rollers suitable for the ceramics and glass industry is available. Clear passage width/height: 700mm/100mm, kiln channel length: 6000mm, cooling zone length: 1600mm, total kiln length: 8000mm, conveying height above floor: 900mm, max. temperature: 850°C, operating temperature: 800°C, total heating capacity: 75kW, number of heating/control groups: 7. Control system: Siemens Simatic HMI, control and automation system: Jumo mTRON 7, operating hours: 23165h. Documentation available. On-site inspection is possible.

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