Корзинчатые центрифуги KRAUSS MAFFEI PZU 125 - Basket centrifuge

технологические процессы / машины и установки для технологических процессов

Производитель: KRAUSS MAFFEI

Модель:PZU 125 - Basket centrifuge

Тип техники: Корзинчатые центрифуги

Номер позиции: 164272360

Количество: 1

Дата: 11.03.2025

Год выпуска:

Местоположение: Land-nl Нидерланды Barneveld The Netherlands


Машина в наличии:Да


General SKU393U1104 LocationBarneveld MakeKrauss Maffei TypePZU 125 No.8740 Year of construction1975 Main Features MaterialStainless steel/Halar Motor22 KW Inlet diameter50 mm Specified Features - Basket centrifuge Basket centrifugecheck Perforated basketcheck Capacity316 Ltr. Basket sizesDia 1250x500 mm Wall thickness12 mm Max. loading weight383 kg With bottom dischargecheck Liquid outletDia. 150 mm With hydraulic unitcheck Motor22kw, 400Volt, 1465 rpm Max. basket speed950 rpm MaterialHalar coating, Stainless steel 2.4610 (Hastelloy C-22) Information Total height1.5 m Weight800 kg Floorspace2.5x1,5 m Extra SpecificationsContact parts in Hastelloy 2.4610 and basket Halar coatedBasket centrifugesKrauss F5352068 MaffeiCentrifuges > Basket centrifugesBrand > Krauss Maffei What you can expect from Foeth: -- Machine is in working condition -- At a reduced price compared to new -- Ready for shipping to any destination worldwide -- You are welcome to inspect the machine in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit us in Barneveld for many more machines!
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General SKU393U1104 LocationBarneveld MakeKrauss Maffei TypePZU 125 No.8740 Year of construction1975 Main Features MaterialStainless steel/Halar Motor22 KW Inlet diameter50 mm Specified Features - Basket centrifuge Basket centrifugecheck Perforated basketcheck Capacity316 Ltr. Basket sizesDia 1250x500 mm Wall thickness12 mm Max. loading weight383 kg With bottom dischargecheck Liquid outletDia. 150 mm With hydraulic unitcheck Motor22kw, 400Volt, 1465 rpm Max. basket speed950 rpm MaterialHalar coating, Stainless steel 2.4610 (Hastelloy C-22) Information Total height1.5 m Weight800 kg Floorspace2.5x1,5 m Extra SpecificationsContact parts in Hastelloy 2.4610 and basket Halar coatedBasket centrifugesKrauss F5352068 MaffeiCentrifuges > Basket F5352068 centrifugesBrand > Krauss Maffei What you can expect from Foeth: -- Machine is in working condition -- At a reduced price compared to new -- Ready for shipping to any destination worldwide -- You are welcome to inspect the machine in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit us in Barneveld for many more machines!
seller offer No. resale 393U1104
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