Фальцевально-склеивающий станок с рабочей станцией


оборудование для печати / обработка бумаги: картонная склейка

Производитель: LAMINA

Модель:GL 1800m

Тип техники: Фальцевально-склеивающий станок с рабочей станцией

Номер позиции: 165450766

Количество: 1

Дата: 06.03.2025

Год выпуска: 2016

Местоположение: Emskirchen - Nürnberg



Faltschachtelklebemaschine / Folder Gluer Lamina 1800GL WS
Year 2016 - 1037516
Manual fed in-line folding, gluing and taping machine
Format min. 70mm - max. 1800mm
Nordson hotmelt Gluing Unit - 2 gluing hedas
Speed 0-40 m/min
PLC control with touch screen
The Lamina Gluer is a manual fed in-line folding, gluing and taping machine.
By the genius construction it is able to handle various sizes of different materials.
The tool free set-up allows a quick change over even for short runs.
Options for the machine include cold glue, F5342872 back support unit, tape applicator etc.

Online-Video-Inspection by Skype-Video
We would be very pleased with your visit - more machines on Stock
Available Immediately - Can be inspect
On Stock Emskirchen / Nürnberg - Can be test
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Faltschachtelklebemaschine / Folder Gluer Lamina 1800GL WS
Year 2016 - 1037516
Manual fed in-line folding, gluing and taping machine
Format min. 70mm - max. 1800mm
Nordson hotmelt Gluing Unit - 2 gluing hedas
Speed 0-40 m/min
PLC control with touch screen
The Lamina Gluer is a manual fed in-line folding, gluing and taping machine.
By the genius construction it is able to handle various sizes of different materials.
The tool free set-up allows a quick change over even for short runs.
Options for the machine include cold glue, F5342872 back support unit, F5342872 tape applicator etc.

Online-Video-Inspection by Skype-Video
We would be very pleased with your visit - more machines on Stock
Available Immediately - Can be inspect
On Stock Emskirchen / Nürnberg - Can be test

seller offer No. resale 24001
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91448 Emskirchen Pirkach

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