Настольные токарные станки HUVEMA BL 310x900 Vario

металлообрабатывающие станки / токарные станки / Настольные токарные станки

Производитель: HUVEMA

Модель:BL 310x900 Vario

Тип техники: Настольные токарные станки

Номер позиции: 155980202

Количество: 1

Дата: 08.03.2025

Год выпуска: 2019

Местоположение: Land-de Германия ab Auslieferungslager


Машина в наличии:Да


turning diameter over bed: 310 mm
turning diameter over slide rest: 178 mm
turning length: 910 mm
turning dia. in gap: 420 mm
spindle turning speed range: 70 - 2000 U/min
spindle bore: 38 mm
number of feeds: 18 Stk
feed range: 0,052 - 1,392 mm/U
metrical thread cutting: 0,4 - 7 mm
voltage: 230 / 50 V Hz
total power requirement: 1,1 kW
weight of the machine ca.: 0,45 t
dimensions of the machine ca.: 1,6 x 0,8 x 1,4 m
• incl. 3 and 4 jaw chuck
• fixed and followed F5315027 steadies
• reducing bush MK4 - MK3
• 2 fixed lathe centers
• 1 Set of changing wheels
• coolant device

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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turning diameter over bed: 310 mm
turning diameter over slide rest: 178 mm
turning length: 910 mm
turning dia. in gap: 420 mm
spindle turning speed range: 70 - 2000 U/min
spindle bore: 38 mm
number of feeds: 18 Stk
feed range: 0,052 - 1,392 mm/U
metrical thread cutting: 0,4 - 7 mm
voltage: 230 / 50 V Hz
total power requirement: 1,1 kW
weight of the machine ca.: 0,45 t
dimensions of the machine ca.: 1,6 x 0,8 x 1,4 m
• incl. 3 and 4 jaw chuck
• fixed and followed F5315027 steadies
• reducing bush MK4 - F5315027 MK3
• 2 fixed lathe centers
• 1 Set of changing wheels
• coolant device

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1053-010125
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FEYEN Maschinen GmbH

господи́н Dieter Feyen
47809 Krefeld

RESALE член с 2013


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Цена: sold HUVEMA BL 310x900 Vario + подобные HUVEMA-Модель

HUVEMAHU 900A Vario 2950 EUR [Nov 2012]