Manufacturer: HomagTürenfertigung mit mit Verleimteil und KUKA
Roboter, Type: BOF / BAZ20/50/18/2/D, Year: 2002, Control: Homatic PC
83, Software: Woodwop, Work piece width min-max mm: 1600, Min.-max.
workpiece length in mm: 800 - 3500, Min.-max. workpiece height in mm:
12 - 60/120, Working range X: 5800, Working range Y-axis: 1600,
Working range Z: 160, C axis: 2, Work piece width min-max mm: 1600,
Min.-max. workpiece length in mm: 800 - 3500, Min.-max. workpiece
height in mm: 12 - 60/120, Number of milling spindles vertical: 2,
Tool adaption system: HSK F63, Milling engine 1 hours power: 14,5, rpm
1): 1500 - 18.000, Milling engine 2 hours power: 14,5, rpm 2): 1500 -
18.000, Kettenwechsler: 70, Pickup Wechlser: 6, Number of tools per
tool-magazine: 6 + 70+ 20, Mitfahrender Werkzeugwechsler: yes, Belt
conveyor: yes, 2 station allocation: yes, Vacuum pumps m³/h: 2 x
66, Rigging support table: Automatisch, Saw unit: yes, B5315207
Edgebanding unit: yes, Edgeband hight mm: 90, Radial arm machine: yes,
Laser positioning: yes, incl. tools: yes, Schnittstelle DXF: yes,
Automatic setting up table: yes, Destacking unit: yes, Waste conveyor
belt: yes, Automatic charging: yes, FREE TEXT: Bestandteile der
Anlage: KUKA Roboter und Rückführung Transportrollengägen/Wandress
Reinigungsanlage/Etikettendrucker und Komplettes Werkzeug, Year :2002