Slitting and Winding Machine EUROMAC TB-3.06iS

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Номер позиции: 165588267 Количество: 1 Дата: 14.11.2024
Год выпуска: 2013 Местоположение: Land-de Германия Deutschland
Производитель: EUROMAC
Модель: TB-3.06iS
Тип техники: Slitting and Winding Machine
Описание: Slitting and Winding Machine EUROMAC TB-3.06iS

подержанная машина

Working width: 1200mm, max. nut roll diameter: 1000mm, max. end roll diameter: 600mm, max. roll weight: 1500kg, min. roll width: 300mm, web tension: 50N-400N/axis, core inner diameter unwind/rewind: 152mm/76mm, speed: 500m/min, max. cuts: 32, products: painted aluminum: 25µm-70µm, aluminum laminates: 40g-150g/m², embossed aluminum: 105µm-160µm, underbridge space: 2000mm. Machine dimensions X/Y/Z: approx. 5731mm/5710mm/2652mm, control: Siemens PLC 7, operating hours: 5736h. Including spare lower knife shaft, sets of spacer rings, circular knives on sleeves including spare circular knives, hard-coated aluminum deflection rollers, rubberized smooth contact I4112259 rollers, an optical positioning aid with spotlights, a handling trolley, a manually movable unloading frame, a mending table on the unwinder as well as area protection by floor scanner and a hood. Documentation available. On-site inspection is possible.
seller offer No. resale INNO27712
Машина в наличии: Нет
Seller-item-No.: INNO27712
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