Электрическая машина для литья под давлением ENGEL e-Victory 740/450 US

техника для переработки пластмасс / термопластавтоматы

Производитель: ENGEL

Модель:e-Victory 740/450 US

Тип техники: Электрическая машина для литья под давлением

Номер позиции: 166542167

Количество: 1

Дата: 23.03.2025

Год выпуска: 2020

Местоположение: Land-DE Германия



This electrical injection moulding machine was manufactured in 2020 by Engel. Model e-Victory 740/450 US features a tie-bar-less design, electric operation, and a clamping force of 4000kN. It includes a screw diameter of 45mm and a maximum opening stroke of 39.37 inches. The machine is equipped with a Viper 20 RC300 robot, enhancing its automation capabilities. G5349640 Consider the opportunity to buy this Engel e-Victory 740/450 US electrical injection moulding machine. Contact us for further details regarding this machine.
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This electrical injection moulding machine was manufactured in 2020 by Engel. Model e-Victory 740/450 US features a tie-bar-less design, electric operation, and a clamping force of 4000kN. It includes a screw diameter of 45mm and a maximum opening stroke of 39.37 inches. The machine is equipped with a Viper 20 RC300 robot, enhancing its automation capabilities. G5349640 Consider the opportunity to buy G5349640 this Engel e-Victory 740/450 US electrical injection moulding machine. Contact us for further details regarding this machine.
seller offer No. resale DE-INJ-ENG-2020-00001
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